The outsider opinion?

The name recognition alone is as good if not better than progpower 5. PP5 had recognition mostly through the slot 4 and 5 (Edguy and Kamelot for power metal fans, while WOMD and PoS with their smaller more 'ardent' fanbase). Name recognition for this year permeates even the lower slots. Assuming the awareness of the fanbase increases every year, I can't seem to think this year won't be a sellout. Last year was 6 tickets shy even if Glenn deviated from "the formula"...
Meh. You're letting 6 tickets rattle your confidence. Even if it didn't sell out quickly, which I find doubtful, you could still generate more local interest closer to the date. A couple pairs of tickets as "prizes" to Rock 103.7 in Athens and Project 96.1 (formerly 96rock) would get the word out. This fest happens every year without a large part of the local metal community knowing about it.

Most of the local metal community knows about it. There were some ticket giveways on Wrekage for example. Paul talks about PP a bit on the show, especially as ticket time gets closer (and last year the entire time trying to hep increase sales). They know about it through forum posts on the local boards, t-shirt wearers at local shows, etc.

But try being an unemployed high school kid or young college kid with little money and affording PP. Its not cheap. And I doubt Glenn is going to offer a student discount ;)
Most of the local metal community knows about it. There were some ticket giveways on Wrekage for example. Paul talks about PP a bit on the show, especially as ticket time gets closer (and last year the entire time trying to hep increase sales). They know about it through forum posts on the local boards, t-shirt wearers at local shows, etc.

But try being an unemployed high school kid or young college kid with little money and affording PP. Its not cheap. And I doubt Glenn is going to offer a student discount ;)

Most Metal fans I know aren't high school or collage kids, but working adults. I know a lot of Metal fans who've never heard of it untill I tell them, especially up in the Gainseville area and over in Athens, and they don't have a clue about WREKage. Constantly when wearing a T-shirt from a PP band I get asked where I saw them.
I've told people at work about ProgPower that play in bands at the Masq who didn't know about it. Believe me. There is a large untapped local North Georgia audience.
Most comments l've noticed have been relatively positive. Not gushingly so...but still positive. It seems most are centered around Vanden Plas & Threshold...some leaning toward Redemption. But, l've seen absolutely nothing on the Primal Fear /After Forever announcements & surprisingly little on Sonata Arctica. The lack of SA mentions baffles me abit, but that may be due to the fact that most know they will also tour. l'm not sure.
Also, l have seen posts of individuals who had basically committed to PPUSA, but succumbed to the PPEU lineup so far. But, those people are Europians so the ease in the travel probably helped that. EU does have a nice lineup so far though.
From the few people I talk to and the few other forums that i read most people seem much more excited about this line-up than last years.

Myself I am totally excited about it. I happen to love SA and AF alot. plus PF is awesome live as well. Also VS rocks.

So i honestly dont think you will have a problem selling out. Maybe not in a day but definately before the show.
What's the word *OUTSIDE* of this forum in terms of this year's roster vs. last year's roster. Let's limit responses to the actual question instead of comparisons of previous years or overall opinion of the festival in general. Your opinon doesn't count. :)


I pimp this festival every year to "outsiders", and have done so since PP 1.0.
There has been a lot of "pop" amonst them for VP, FK, PM, Sonata, Firewind, & Primal Fear. Whether or not they'll pull the trigger once tix go on sale remains to be seen, but there seems to be more of a buzz this year than in previous years. My friend who made the journey with me to Atlanta last year, who still has no internet access, is even more pumped for the fest this year since he knows more of the bands on the roster. I don't think he plans on leaving the venue much this year.

I guess part two of the question is:

Based on having six tickets remaining last year and your feelings *outside* of this forum this year comparing the two rosters, do you anticipate a sell-out this year?

Personally, I feel this roster is much stronger than last year in terms of name recognition, albums sales, debuts, and proven draw (including tour & previous appearances). Obviously, my financial investment dictates that I remain positive about things. I don't think the pace of tickets sold can be a true indicator of success any longer. There are simply too many options at the present compared to the past.

I will be honest and say that a single negative comment reads like 25 positive comments the closer the date gets to ticket sales. When you have such a huge financial stake in things, you cannot help but be a bit nervous until you reached the break even point in ticket sales.

If we were in single digits for leftover tickets last year, I think you'll be back to starting a new sell-out trend in terms of ticket sales. There is more pop for this year's lineup. Other than the constant whiners bitching about the lineup, and the seeding of the roster, I can't think of ONE negative comment
I've ever read/heard about Prog Power. It's a friendly crowd, stuff runs on-time, and the lineup doesn't change drastically from the time it's announced, to fest time (Neveragain not withstanding). It's a completely different experience than say Gigantour or OzFest, and the line up is more consistent.
I honestly don't think you have too much to worry about this year.......

I will be honest and say that a single negative comment reads like 25 positive comments the closer the date gets to ticket sales. When you have such a huge financial stake in things, you cannot help but be a bit nervous until you reached the break even point in ticket sales.

I only frequent one other forum besides this one, but very little has been said about the lineup thus far. I find that most people are procrastinators and will wait until the last minute to decide to buy a ticket or not.

It's easy for me to tell you not to worry, but I think you've done darned well this year. If I truly didn't feel that way, I wouldn't say it either! ;) I'm predicting it will sell out within a week or so this year like in years past.
I realize you are probably looking for an assessment of group opinions, not a single opinion, but I'll post anyway. I've only been to PPUSA IV. I plan on making this year my second appearance in Atlanta.

Last year, I was mildly interested in seeing Leatherwolf, Zero Hour, and Savage Circus. The only set I would have loved to see was Nevermore, as I have never bothered to see them live, yet I like them a lot.

This year, I am excited to see Redemption. I am interested in seeing Communic, and I am mildly interested in checking out Freak Kitchen due to all the raves over last year's performance. If I like the new Raintime disc, they might hold some appeal too. I do own one After Forever disc, so I suppose I might like a few of their songs.

So this year's lineup is preferable to me over last year's essentially because of Redemption. That said, I don't ever see attending PPUSA because of the lineup. For me, almost all of its appeal is seeing friends and escaping the daily grind for a few days.
I will be honest and say that a single negative comment reads like 25 positive comments the closer the date gets to ticket sales. When you have such a huge financial stake in things, you cannot help but be a bit nervous until you reached the break even point in ticket sales.

Keep in mind that not all negative comments reflect pessimism about the event. I don't like the choice of headliner and think it might be another Rage situation, but the lineup looks like a sellout to me. Not all individual criticisms indicate trouble.

Now if you announce a high slot band and more than a third of the comments are of the "ugh" and "WTF?!" variety, then you stepped in it. But that's never come close to happening.

Now, outsiders. One thing I will say about After Forever, it's attracted interest from friends of mine who aren't into power or prog, but are into female-fronted bands like After Forever, Nightwish, and Epica. That's what kind of puzzled me about the selection. You said you were marketing mainly to previous attendees, but an After Forever pick seems more likely to bring in people who may not necessarily be fans of the genre, period, much less previous PP attendees. And as this thread shows, the lineup does seem to be attracting a lot of interest among people who have never attended before.

Of course, their money is just as good as our money, so what's the difference?
I will be honest and say that a single negative comment reads like 25 positive comments the closer the date gets to ticket sales. When you have such a huge financial stake in things, you cannot help but be a bit nervous until you reached the break even point in ticket sales.

could you give us a little insight on what you draw profit off of when running this concert?

ive always kind of wondered what all you made money from, if you can give us around how much money you expect from each thing that would be cool too, but if any or all of what i asked is private info. its completely understood.

as for my friends,

they all find virgin steele's cds really boring and are hoping that their show will be good in the end.

they also find the line ups very good, one of my friends doesnt like threshold though and i dont see how but what ever.

the line up is solid, i personally dont think you have to worry.

I really don't see you having an issue seeling out this year. I am so confident that if you are left with 6 tickets this year, I will buy them.

It is in the bag man.:kickass:
could you give us a little insight on what you draw profit off of when running this concert?

I'm sorry, but that information is indeed private. The only comment that I will make is that this is indeed a business for me and I treat it accordingly. I work essentially all year on the festival and take a huge financial risk. Thus, I do feel that I should be compensated accordingly.
The response among my friends have been quite a bit better than last year... Not super great as some of the previous years.. But good..
My friends are mostly more into prog than power.. What is missing to make them go WOW is a band they REALLY like.. a Pain of Salvation or Conception type...
Some people are more interested on thursday's show than the fest, because of Vanden Plas and Freak Kitchen...
I'm sorry, but that information is indeed private. The only comment that I will make is that this is indeed a business for me and I treat it accordingly. I work essentially all year on the festival and take a huge financial risk. Thus, I do feel that I should be compensated accordingly.

thats totally cool

i didnt mean to intrude or anything
My bestest guy friend is thinking of taking my GB this year to go.

I've been begging him for years to take the time and make the trip, and this year has really peaked his interest. Last year he was really disappointed with the line up and had no interest at all. When I met him, I got him into Pagan's Mind, Vanden Plas, Threshold and Redemption. I sent him some Communic and now he's getting really into them. I also think Raintime is going to be a winner with him too.

I think we may have him hooked this year. He is acting pretty excited and is seriously talking about it. :rock:

And yes, I think the fest will be a sell out this year. I think that moving the preparty to the main stage and having Vanden Plas and Freak Kitchen will draw people to go ahead and get a fest ticket as well....might as well, they are already there kinda thing. But with that being said, I think the Fri and Sat line up stands on it's own and will sell out regardless.
...Primal Fear has gotten their attention in a big way.

I can concur with this statement where it concerns two of my out-of-town friends who have balked at previous lineups (and laughed at last year's lineup - "Jorn-who?" - "Freak-what?") :Smug:

One has already reserved plane tickets to Atlanta from Iowa. And the other is waiting to drive up from Jacksonville FL, pending a late-season hurricane. heh heh.

Face it Glenn, you've hit the lottery this year! This is one bad-ass lineup, and probably the best since PP3. :kickass: kudos to you!