The Palladium--Worcester, MA


Enchanted Mistress
May 20, 2004
Rob was telling my brother, JonnyD, and I that Into Eternity would be returning to the Palladium with Strato this month after ProgPower. I got the impression it was rather "up in the air", but Rob seemed sure that it was not only tentative. I have been keeping an eye on the tour page and have seen absolutely no mention of this potential leg of the tour. It would be *great* to see Into Eternity in Worcester again, so if there is any news about this I would be completely delighted to receive the word.

Domo Arrigato, gracias, and thank you!

(psst: Rob, call me!)
Yeah, I was wondering about this too. I have not heard a peep about them coming to Worcester. They jump right over us with that one, and Im bummed about it. If anyone hears anything else, let us know! Id love nothing more than coming back from Prog Power to catch Strato and IE! :)