The Passion Of The Christ

I've never heard that, before romans crusified Jesus they skinned him alive. This movie is going way to far, introducing many violent elements i was never aware of. It focuses on the last hours before the crusifiction and maybe that is why it is so popular, because it satisfies the blood lust for many people, fans of splatter movies and so. It is totally ridiculous and i'm really sorry that i've spend 2 hours from my life to watch it. It seems to me that Mel still has visions in his head from Braveheart, i wouldn't expect more from an action-movie actor. With the end of the movie the terminator tag-line came to mind ..." I'll be back " ..dunno y...ask Mel !



I saw the film a few days ago, at least a part of it, but i walked away on it. I thought it was way to heavy for me. It shocked me...The entire atmosphere of the film is so opressing and depressing, i wasn't able to see it though the end. Also the beatings are so intense and "over the top"......
So people with a "weak mind" or something, i wouldn't recommend it to you.....
I'd go see it, but I'd no doubt be lynched by an agry mob upon exiting the theater, or perhaps even during the movie.

Maybe I'll watch it when it comes out on DVD, but only if I don't have to pay to see it. Wouldn't want to contribute to the "Make More Money for Mel (by way of self perpetuated controversy) Foundation".
Funny, I thought I'd read your opinions on the movie and there were only two of yous who actually watched it and talked about it, hehe.

I saw it last night, yeah, I'd say sometimes it's shocking, but not the flogging, that's a bit too long, though I've seen a lot more movies that didn't hold my attention this much (btw, Kill Bill 2 is coming, that makes me think of how boring the first part was, not with half an hour of flogging but two hours of swordfight, come on).

The weirdest thing is I had a dream and it made me reinterpret the whole movie experience, now it is really strange but I think for some reason the movie is about watching and seeing. I'm sure it's the dream I had but whenever I think of the movie I think of an eye. There's a lot of watching in the movie, silent watching and eyes, eyes everywhere, I think that's what I will keep from this movie.

And the "close interpretation of the Bible"?? What's that? The Bible is already a story, even if you read it for yourself you interpret it yet another way.

The accusation of antisemitism is bullshit, I remember Jesus Christ Superstar was accused of the same thing.

What I really like about the movie is that Jesus is dashing :) and the languages, that was really cool, after the first five minutes I thought "when will they switch to English?" and then realized they won't, hehe.

Oh, and when he tramped the head of the snake, that was a very terrifying moment.