Funny, I thought I'd read your opinions on the movie and there were only two of yous who actually watched it and talked about it, hehe.
I saw it last night, yeah, I'd say sometimes it's shocking, but not the flogging, that's a bit too long, though I've seen a lot more movies that didn't hold my attention this much (btw, Kill Bill 2 is coming, that makes me think of how boring the first part was, not with half an hour of flogging but two hours of swordfight, come on).
The weirdest thing is I had a dream and it made me reinterpret the whole movie experience, now it is really strange but I think for some reason the movie is about watching and seeing. I'm sure it's the dream I had but whenever I think of the movie I think of an eye. There's a lot of watching in the movie, silent watching and eyes, eyes everywhere, I think that's what I will keep from this movie.
And the "close interpretation of the Bible"?? What's that? The Bible is already a story, even if you read it for yourself you interpret it yet another way.
The accusation of antisemitism is bullshit, I remember Jesus Christ Superstar was accused of the same thing.
What I really like about the movie is that Jesus is dashing

and the languages, that was really cool, after the first five minutes I thought "when will they switch to English?" and then realized they won't, hehe.
Oh, and when he tramped the head of the snake, that was a very terrifying moment.