The photography thread

A few of mine. I'm just starting to get more serious about my photography. Some are with my older Kodaks (advanced point & shoots) and some my new Canon 450D. Sorry for the picture sizes, I'm away from home right now and can't resize/repost them somewhere.






Some light painting




Water drops


Nice shots dude. I need to get a macro so I can do cool shots like those.. I dig that first one of the water droplet

There are a bit under exposed, and I had to shoot at ISO1600 cause i need bigger glass :( But I think they came out decent :)

Unless the venue is super bright, I usually shoot shows at least at ISO1600, if not 3200 or 6400. Getting some faster glass will definitely help you though, if it stops down to f/2.8 or below (1.8 is great too)
I have an old Canon eos350d with Canon 50mm (one of the best Canon lenses..and it costs 100€ :D ) and a Tamron 17-55. For the live show I mainly use the Tamron because I can get a little wide effect using it at 17mm.
I need a fish-eye lens!!!!
Nice shots dude. I need to get a macro so I can do cool shots like those.. I dig that first one of the water droplet

Thanks! I'm definitely still learning. My boss at work has started a little photo club with a few of us, so we're helping each other to learn new things. And, no macro lens on those...just a really cheap ($30) close-up filter set. :) I'd LOVE to get a good macro...but this is more cost effective for me at the moment.
wow man... your shots really inspire me!
i'm still having to deal with a cellphone camera .. but i guess i want to get my framing/vision right.. and maybe invest in a dslr after asserting the fact that i'll be able to use it :p
any tips/improvements you'd suggest?

@lektiri: interesting looking squirrel... nice shot...
wow man... your shots really inspire me!
m still having to deal with a cellphone camera .. but i guess i want to get my framing/vision right.. and maybe invest in a dslr after asserting the fact that i'll be able to use it :p
any tips/improvements you'd suggest?

@lektiri: interesting looking squirrel... nice shot...

Thanks dude... I guess my first suggestion would be to download your shots to a computer, and play around with them in Photoshop. Compare your work to others so you learn to see when your shots are lacking saturation, when the blacks need to be brought up or down, add contrast, remove distracting elements, are overexposed/underexposed etc.

a good DSLR is definitely a good purchase for you, they are not hard to work at all after you understand how they function and how to change it

Just purely for example I played with a few of your shots for a few minutes in PS. It's making little changes that really turn good shots into great shots.

made the colors pop a little more

removed a green/yellow color cast and added contrast

added contrast to make the colors pop and removed a few distracting elements
Great macro shots Arv! I need to get back to doing some more macros. I'm currently exploring HDR photography for the first time. I don't have any resized pics at the moment, but you can see some of my first attempts over at our little photoblog (a group of friends at my work):

Kramer: definitely...learn Photoshop or Lightroom (or both!) A great place for inspiration as well as fantastic articles on the basics of nature photography and post processing can be found over at Juza's website: He is an Italian photographer and his shots are world class. Plus, he's a really nice guy that will take the time to answer your questions.
Some REALLY nice shots in this thread. Here are a couple of mine. First one is from Rhode Island, second one is from Acadia National Park.



Mine aren't as nice as yours Arv, but here's some older water drop/macros I did with my previous camera (Kodak Z1012) and some close-up filters. I need to try this again now that I've got a DSLR.



@rlcramer: I REALLY like that first shot! Very nice!
Some REALLY nice shots in this thread. Here are a couple of mine. First one is from Rhode Island, second one is from Acadia National Park.


Those are great shots dude... slow exposure+water=always a win (for me, I love those types of photos)

Acadia Nat'l Park looks beautiful... the water is so clear... never thought I'd want to take a trip to Maine haha

Mine aren't as nice as yours Arv, but here's some older water drop/macros I did with my previous camera (Kodak Z1012) and some close-up filters. I need to try this again now that I've got a DSLR.

Thanks man. It was challenging, honestly much harder than I expected. I still had fun taking them though, I think I got a few that are "background" worthy and whatnot. Your DoF is so shallow that the wind blows in the slightest and the leaf is out of focus... I was shooting handheld too... definitely bringing a tripod for next time.

No Photoshop trickery in those by the way, the clouds that you can see in the water droplet are real. I just added some sharpness and color saturation, nothing too special.

HDR, it took me a long time until I got a result I was happy with.
Wouldn't be very good for my professional image.. in my opinion there is no point in taking a picture if you can't post that you took it, unless money is involved of course :D

I'd just like to say that any of my photos are available for purchase on canvas, only one is listed on the site but I can print any one of my photos for you in any size. Just shoot me an email for a quote :) They would make great wall pieces to spice up your studios!
Thanks Brian - and I have to say, your shot of Niagra is just beyond belief. You have some amazing work on your site. With your eye, I'm sure your wedding business is treating you really well.

And yeah - Acadia is really an amazing place. The week that I went, there were a few days when it was so foggy, you could barely see your hand in front of your face. It made for a few decent shots, but when the sun finally came out, the place really came to life. Definitely worth the trip if you're ever in that part of the country.

The only problems that I had were when it was sunny, it was REALLY sunny, and since I didn't have any ND filters with me, I couldn't get any daytime shots with "silky" water because my shutter speeds were way too high...

I wanted to pick up a Singh-Ray Vari-ND before I went (also for shooting some daytime video with my 5dII), but the wallet just wasn't agreeing with me at that time. Guitar GAS and photography GAS is a bad combination.

My accidental best:

No changes apart from shrinking it down.

One I took with my photographer uncle with all his kit. It should be said that this was taken in the sunny midday yet the windows look dark as night....

This is something I made from taking pics of smoke on a black background then colouring and mirroring.