The photography thread


We only had one stand, and even with it most of the pix weren't exactly "sharp" because of a lot of wind.
The one with the tower turned is pretty noisy cause it was handheld, with preeeeety high iso settings.

I actually really like the noise on this, it gives it a cool character.
Snapped this while my band has been shooting a music video. I've taken 100s of frames but can't share most of them until later:


Another one from the same view, not entirely happy with it, but at least i feel that im getting better.. but im kind of limited since i only have a Canon 400D with a 18-52 Sigma lens.
Any pointers/critique is more then welcome, i really want to get good at this. :)
Wow-dude, especially the drops are awesome!

The only thing that really stands out in a bad way is your logo imho, if you want something else,
hit me up ;)
I hope you earn some money with these shots! They would be worth some, besides that, what
lense are you using for your macros?
Wow-dude, especially the drops are awesome!

The only thing that really stands out in a bad way is your logo imho, if you want something else,
hit me up ;)
I hope you earn some money with these shots! They would be worth some, besides that, what
lense are you using for your macros?

Haha :) The logo is only something I threw together as part of my job of testing photography software. :) I'm definitely no graphic designer. I don't think my pictures are anything special, but I've had some show up where they shouldn't. So I've started watermarking everything again.

No macro lens. I just got a cheap, non-electronic set of extension tubes for $12. I have to shoot with manual focus and no stabilization, have to do a work around to set the lens aperture...but for $12...I'll put up with it. :)

Thanks for the compliment!
Wow, nice shots there mark! :)

.. i really need to practice my photography skills. :lol:
Nolly, yet again ... i really like your postprocessing. Such awesome tone you got, and i love the black and white pics.

Do you like the artificial noise that lightroom makes?
Haven't posted here in a while but I'd like to share some photos I've taken over the last few years. Most of them have been taken when I've been out hunting/fishing.








