The photography thread

Started a project recently. Since I don't want to spam you with all of my photos here's the FB cover photo, linked to the fb album

...and another shot with the homemade lights. I was experimenting with some headshots for an actor friend of mine & this is what I came up with.

Just curious: Is there a pic of her w/o make up? I'm sure she's still beautiful but sometimes that sort of stuff makes A LOT of a difference.

Yes, I've seen pictures of her without makeup and you'll have to trust me - it's not the makeup :)
Don't have permission to send any of the ones without makeup, so I'm just gonna post one from the 'schoolgirl' series

The rest are on my facebook page
What's your file organization system like for photos? I've got over 11000 photos in iPhoto going back to 2005. Some are in separate folders but some (about 42GB) reside within the iphoto library.
I don't know if I should sort things by year, event, people. Or maybe it doesn't even matter. So what do you guys do?