The pics thread

What about sushi?


Even Saki isn't that good. It will get you fucked up, but so will a million other better tasting liquors.

Teriyaki sauce (or what passes for it in America) isn't bad, but I couldn't take it on a regular basis.

@Krampus: Porn and some historic religious intolerance isn't exactly what I would call "culture" :lol:
what about temples, imperial conquests, unique languages, and inventing lots of stuff? surely there is SOMEthing of value in asia
I said culture, I don't think the inventions from a thousand years ago count as culture. (But yes, the Chinese are to be thanked for at least Gunpowder, Paper, and the Compass).

It doesn't help that all the aforementioned disenfranchised American kids cling to the lamest parts of Japanese pop culture (anime, etc.) or cheapen anything that was cool (Samurai swords, etc.).
If were going to critique Asian culture, I have to say this is one thing I am not impressed with:




That's BAD korean culture. Well it's just distastefully copying European work, but I haven't visited Korea myself, so I'll shut up.
I fortunately was never stationed in Okinawa or mainland Japan or had to go on an Asiatic float.


Why would I want to see beautiful scenery ruined like this.
I don't really see what you find so ugly about that style of building. It's not in the European tradition, so what? It would look a lot worse if they had a specially commissioned (by dear leader) copy of some random European bridge built, but ten times larger and out of solid gold.
I'm pretty sure most people would make the argument that the little pagoda gate thing makes the scene more beautiful

I am not most people :)

@Jage: I agree, an outlandish copy of some pretentious statue or other work is worse.

I am a no frills kind of person and I find (specifically) Japanese and Chinese traditional architecture and clothing an assault on the eyes.