The pics thread

Ffs as if there are people who actually like rice. It's just some gay crap for people who can't have potato.
Potatoes are the worst. You know a vegetable sucks when you are cautioned not to eat too much of it. I can't think of anything blander than a baked potato. Silly northern Europeans and their potatoes.

The only potato things I like are potato products: shoestring french fries, potato chips, and potato skins overflowing with fatty salty crap. I do like garlic mashed potatoes that are creamy and chunky.

edit: Thanks a bunch WAIF. I also nominate myself for rice police. Here is my rice hierarchy.

Risotto w/saffron > sticky white rice > brown/genmai rice > jasmine rice > wild rice > pilaf > Uncle Ben's cheesy rice > feces > non-sticky white rice
I've never had a baked potato I enjoyed unless it was covered in other stuff to the point of masking the taste. Potato by itself is about as exciting as reading Opeth hate threads.
Potatoes are the worst. You know a vegetable sucks when you are cautioned not to eat too much of it. I can't think of anything blander than a baked potato. Silly northern Europeans and their potatoes.

The only potato things I like are potato products: shoestring french fries, potato chips, and potato skins overflowing with fatty salty crap. I do like garlic mashed potatoes that are creamy and chunky.

Potato tastes good cooked in certain ways and served with certain things. Rice tastes like shit whatever you serve it with.

Silly people with there silly rice, smart north Europeans who basically do everything right.

Potato is shit.

stfu fagget

I've never had a baked potato I enjoyed unless it was covered in other stuff to the point of masking the taste. Potato by itself is about as exciting as reading Opeth hate threads.

Rice by itself is basically like eating, for example, non edible items like paper, thin brittle plastic or thin pieces of foam. Seriously, there is something more bland than potato, it's called fucking rice.

While I was living in Kenya we got meals with the accommodation and the cook basically served either beans and rice, rice and gristle or rice, beans and gristle with undercooked potato every day.

If people from other continents are used to potato being served undercooked then I can understand them disliking it, but ffs it's not hard to cook potato.

I might just buy a big sack of rice and fucking burn it in protest.

Anyway Krampus you said something like "how can anyone hate rice, it's the most inoffensive food ever" then you called potato the most bland food.

Basically I think rice is much more bland and it accompanies food I generally dislike. It's also worth baring in mind that I refuse to eat shit cuts of meat and 9/10 any meat that accompanies rice tends to be.
Instead of burning the rice, why don't you fly a plane over North Korea and drop it there so some people can eat?

Also it sounds like you are basing your rice hate on equatorial African cuisine which is "poor people" food and certainly not the deliciously starchy and sweet rice we eat over here in east Asia.

Either way starchy foods are bland and they exist so that poor people can get lots of empty calories and feel full on the cheap.

North Europeans do a lot of things right, but food is not one of those things.
I have to say I am a big fan of meat stews, sausages, potatoes, meat pies and so on. I have sampled non european food in quite a lot of places (not just restaurants owned by foreigners) and with a few exceptions it's not really to my tastes. I hated the food in Pakistan as well, the poor cuts of meat were indigestible for me.

I definitely up for sampling more food from the different countries within Europe though, as I suspect I might find more food that I actually like.
Every palate is different. Myself, whenever I go to Europe I just eat nonlocal "ethnic" food every day, primarily Asian. I hate olives and I don't like meat or potatoes so I'm kind of SOL a lot of places, but I do like fish and chips and savory Dutch pancakes.
This is a real 279 year old song:

When mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's food,
It ennobled our brains and enriched our blood.
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good
Oh! the Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
But since we have learnt from all-vapouring France
To eat their ragouts as well as to dance,
We're fed up with nothing but vain complaisance
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
Our fathers of old were robust, stout, and strong,
And kept open house, with good cheer all day long,
Which made their plump tenants rejoice in this song--
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
When good Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne,
Ere coffee, or tea, or such slip-slops were known,
The world was in terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef of old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!
Oh then we had stomachs to eat and to fight
And when wrongs were cooking to do ourselves right.
But now we're a . . . I could, but goodnight!
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!