The pics thread

I think it's pretty funny and sad that females go through so much torture and starvation in pursuit of being skinny when it's just to impress other females
That's right. The next time you make me a sammich, make yourself a sammich too.

Also, that anorexicporn thing was fucking creepy...
We had to have our eldest dog, Snuffy, put down yesterday. He was 17 years old, quite a good innings but his kidneys failed towards the end. Feels all wrong without him around.


:( That definitely is one of the most depressing moments of one's life Satans, like loosing a close family member or friend.

I was going to post this before the knowledge of your tragic loss, so please forgive the awkward segue:

My ridiculously cute daughter:


I'm the one in back, center:


Behold, the epic beer gut:


A very old-school pic of my wife and I:


EDIT: Did not expect the images to come out so small.
This one I did feel necessary to blow up. My offspring is superior to all others!
