The pics thread

I never dated that guy. And it's the army, which is pretty much auto gay.

Just uploaded pictures from today. The baked eggplant is probably the best food I have ever had.







A fantastic old thrash band, Frozen Doberman, that I grew up on in high school back in the early 90s did one of their last ever shows. Tight as fuck, and fuckloads of headbanging by everyone in attendance. Great night, and totally chuffed that I got to snap some pics:



I've known plenty of non-rich Jews. In fact, I've never met a rich Jew in my life. All the rich people I know are hispanic.
This has been very true in my experience

That pretty much describes where I grew up.
And there are rich Jews, poor Jews, and a lot of middle class Jews. They tend to clump together, so if you live in an area where rich Jews live you'll think all Jews are rich and if you live in an area where poor Jews live they'll all seem poor. In America Jewish communities can sometimes be pretty closed off to outsiders (I guess that's a natural response to getting fucked up by everyone else for a couple thousand years).
Suparmurat, if you came to Brookline MA, which is a heavily Jewish, middle-class, liberal area, you would meet tons of Jews who would chill with you because they're pretty assimilated here. There are, however, a number of conservative families who don't even interact with assimilated Jews and send their kids to different schools and shit.

And none of this has shit to do with race or religion, it's all a question of where you come from.
Wait I remember actually meeting a jew once. It was an old man who had been in a concentration camp who came to my school and talked, number marking on his hand and all that. It wasn't really relevant to anything, from what I remember at least. Jews get too much exposure, just like the Irish.

*edit* That is, people talk about them all the fucking time (something which I'm contributing to right now :erk:)