The pics thread

I can destroy a New York 18 inch pie in under 30 min.

Man vs. Food, Man vs. Food, Man vs. Food!

Same here no fucking problem. Pizza is the only food I really like. Anything else I eat is because am hungry and because it's healthy/have too and force myself. I can put down a large pepe's pizza no problem. Worldwide famous pizza place located in Connecticut. You gotta wait an hour to get in. It's better then pizza anywhere have went from upstate NY all the way to New York City. No one around here knows how to make city pizza. I like when they borderline burn a pizza.

Now I wish I was in Connecticut right now. Pappas pizza in milford,mama teresa's,pepe's in New Haven, FUCK, better then stanky pussy anyday!. I'm going down to connectiocut to see some of my family soon and can't fucking wait. Pizza in this thread made me really happy. Bang a few chicks and come back to placid or maybe stay,the ocean, Fuckin' pepe's. YAY
Keep in mind I'm not in training mode, and in addition to the pizza I ate all this other stuff too. I've been eating 1200-1500 calories a day recently and feeling full off that so I would need to build up my stomach capacity/fullness register.

I have eaten 5-6 NY slices at a time before but that was when I was stoned're perfect. Fuck the diet and eat pizzzzzaa.

Pineapple, ham and bacon is fucking awesome on a pizza.
My favorite is probably double pepperoni, double bacon, double onion, extra cheese, with light jalapenos. Cooked well. Cheese better be mostly brown and pepperoni crispy.
My wife watches Food Network all the time so that's the only reason I know who Bobby Flay is. The only food shows I like are on Travel Channel: No Reservations and Bizarre Foods. It's fun to watch Anthony Bordaine get drunk in foreign countries and also fun to watch Andrew Zimmern eat animal genitalia.
Everything bobby flay makes has like mango chutney or pineapple salsa and shit. I went to his burger place and it was definitely overkill.

Anthony Bourdain is the fucking MAN. My basement dwelling friend agrees. And the bizarre foods guy....I love that show but he eats a lot of cock.
Pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm too vain to eat pizza all the time but it is a delicious once-a-month-or-so treat.

I like faggoty pizzas. My favorite is "Peking Duck" from California Pizza Kitchen with hoisin sauce and scallions. I am a big sucker too for anything involving pungent white cheeses, buffalo chicken, but just plain cheese is usually the way. Not a big meat person, pepperoni/sausage/salami/ham/bacon etc is ok but not preferable.
Pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm too vain to eat pizza all the time but it is a delicious once-a-month-or-so treat.

Every Sunday night for me. My favorite pizza place in Melbourne is roughly 150 metres from my house, so it's a struggle to keep it to once a week. Thin base with minimal quality toppings ftw. I can inhale a large and half a small with no problems. And beer is an essential accompaniment.