The pics thread

You're a wizard now!

Metal senseis showed up at the airport in Fukuoka to say goodbye :)

Been training hard. No more weights, hot yoga (40°C), more veggies and stretching only and adjusted diet has shredded off 7kg and counting (3 more to go until I'm happy).

So close here: only 2 inches to go and my forward split will be totally flat. Not bad for a 35 year old walnut :)

And yes, it hurts like HELL.

yeah it couldn't have anything to do with highly increased flexibility leading to elimination or reduction of postural distortions and kinetic chain imbalance, stress reduction, potentially lowered blood pressure/heart issues, muscular strength, restored length/tension relationships in muscles allowing for maximum functionality/fluid/nutrient transfer, potentially increased spirituality (if that's your thing) and a new hobby to put your mind at ease.
The 'increased spirituality' made me chuckle. So it's like exercising but with a healthy dose of bullshit thrown in, basically.