The pics thread

I was at a Suicide Machines show 15 years ago and I had a similar thing happen to me.

We got up on stage... right at the end of a song! So my cousin and I just stood there waiting for them to start up the next song.
Once it starts up he runs and jumps into the crowd.
After he gets out of the way I run and do a front flip into the crowd.
Everyone fucking moves and I do a frontflip from 4-5 ft in to the air and land right onto my back.
when I got back up my dork ass friend yelled "CROWD CRATER!!!" really loud in a high pitched voice. Was funny shit.
The reason I find Ancient Aliens viable (in some respects):
My friend literally does that. He's stoned to fuck and he always points out "Sirius B" in the sky, when where walking to a party on a night and then goes on about how we're all from there, originally.

I just tend to tell women that they're dumb as shit when I'm stoned.

The show does present some interesting things, but they tend to jump to conclusions like crazy. Most interesting I found were the vimanas, and how, even in all likelihood being fictional, the descriptions of their functions kind of fit that of modern space shuttles.

I can't really talk to people when I'm stoned. I usually like to be by myself so I can make up words and ideas for stories. Weed is like NZT for me. Me stoned + people = me acting stupid. I usually pretend I'm a t rex. By myself, I become a philosopher.
Or pretend you're a philosopher.

I usually feel a bit awkward checking the forum on the morning after making a bunch of stupid threads/posts while baked, but at the end of the day it's just a stupid forum and hardly anything interesting happens here anyway, so who cares.
zabu of nΩd;10073316 said:
Or pretend you're a philosopher.

I usually feel a bit awkward checking the forum on the morning after making a bunch of stupid threads/posts while baked, but at the end of the day it's just a stupid forum and hardly anything interesting happens here anyway, so who cares.

I use this excuse on another forum that I've been a part of for 10+ years (through either forum exodus to another or whatever) and apparently I'm not allowed to use that excuse because, to most people there, it's become a part of their life. I still contend that it's the internet and there's very small statistical chance of meeting any of you irl, so there.
Who gives a fuck? Why is posting while you're high or drunk frowned upon? I think it's fun to get fucked up and check out your favorite websites and contribute some incoherent babble to the internet.

Well a big problem i have is getting into debates with people and being really convinced about how right i am when i'm really just talking out my ass half the time.
zabu of nΩd;10073478 said:
Well a big problem i have is getting into debates with people and being really convinced about how right i am when i'm really just talking out my ass half the time.

Well that's some personal ego problem you need to get over. And maybe you personally shouldn't be posting on the internet arguing with people if that's a problem. Just do some stream of consciousness writing while you're high and analyze it later on when you're sober.

The whole purpose of achieving a mental state of altered consciousness is to analyze one's self and try to gain different perspectives on everything. Getting high or drunk just to get high or drunk is ok, but I think it's a bit odd. However, if you realize something about yourself when you're in an altered state of mind like you previously pointed out, that gives you something to work on personally and to try and overcome and to become a better you. Get your mind in the right state. All you're doing is identifying personality flaws and harping on the negativeness of them when you should be using it and try to become a more positive and enlightened human being.
Agreed. I personally think weed is a wonderful drug. It has the ability to resurface things I haven't thought about in years, and causes me to put together ideas and realizations I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. When I'm by myself and have time to think, it's like smokeable epiphany in plant form. However, that only really seems to apply if I don't do it frequently.
I've concluded that weed has done nothing positive academically for me, as I hoped. Rather than gaining new insights, it causes me to view the insights I would normally have as more novel and profound than they are, as if I'm constantly reminding myself of the obvious. And even if it does make me think differently, I never get to the point of putting those insights into writing or anything that makes them effective.

What it has done for me positively is that I have been so much calmer as of late than I used to be. I hardly ever have anxiety these days. I'm so much more chill, and thankful for that.
It's different for different people. I have a friend who becomes a total dipshit whenever he gets high, even when he's alone (as evidenced by shit he sends to me on Facebook).

I find music far more immersive when I'm high. I can keep track of all of the melodies going, and time seems to slow down so I can analyze them and the lyrics. When I'm really high, the song seems to be all of reality, and I visualize things clearly. They tend to be full pictures that go with the music rather than the colors and textures I normally visualize sober.
Well that's some personal ego problem you need to get over. And maybe you personally shouldn't be posting on the internet arguing with people if that's a problem. Just do some stream of consciousness writing while you're high and analyze it later on when you're sober.

The whole purpose of achieving a mental state of altered consciousness is to analyze one's self and try to gain different perspectives on everything. Getting high or drunk just to get high or drunk is ok, but I think it's a bit odd. However, if you realize something about yourself when you're in an altered state of mind like you previously pointed out, that gives you something to work on personally and to try and overcome and to become a better you. Get your mind in the right state. All you're doing is identifying personality flaws and harping on the negativeness of them when you should be using it and try to become a more positive and enlightened human being.
I would be happy to move on to a better state of personhood (one that likely would entail more overall sobriety), but I really, seriously have difficulty coping with my job. It regularly makes me feel like shit, and i need to quit it.

I've concluded that weed has done nothing positive academically for me, as I hoped. Rather than gaining new insights, it causes me to view the insights I would normally have as more novel and profound than they are, as if I'm constantly reminding myself of the obvious. And even if it does make me think differently, I never get to the point of putting those insights into writing or anything that makes them effective.

What it has done for me positively is that I have been so much calmer as of late than I used to be. I hardly ever have anxiety these days. I'm so much more chill, and thankful for that.
I know the 'reminding myself of the obvious' feeling. As far as anxiety, i agree that it is good at alleviating that, but there are some types of anxiety that, in my case at least, probably can't be cured without some sort of lifestyle change.