The pics thread

I spent my day off checking out some of the historical sites at Point Lookout, about 25 minutes away from my house. Point Lookout is located at the bottom of Maryland's peninsula and was a battle front during the Civil War, and the Union had a Confederate POW camp there. For those who play Fallout, you'll recognize the name from the Fallout 3 expansion. Here are some pictures that I took with my Droid...


The meeting of the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.

During the Civil War, this was the location of a Union hospital.

Me at the bottom of the peninsula. My phone thinks that I'm in Virginia.




This is a memorial for the 3,500 Confederate soldiers who died because of the poor conditions of the POW camp.

I thought this was cool, it's an African American Confederate soldier. History books kind of slosh over the Confederates having volunteer black soldiers before the Union would allow for blacks to join.
Went to a museum in Toulouse by Capitole. Maybe the actual name of the museum is called Capitole, I'm not sure, but who gives a damn, I sure didn't, since the art was quite bland. Here's a pic of us not giving a shit:

Aug, with all that money you spend on companionship, I know you can afford to dress a little better. Wind pants and a fanny pack? Get some cargo shorts. Probably more storage space and less 80s.
For some reason my camera got messed up and won't let me upload any of the photos I took it on from my trip to Austin (which I just got back from). Here's one of me at the Triple Falls though. Yes the falls are small, yes I was a little disappointed because when you hear falls you think Niagara, but it was a nice place either way.


One thing I noticed about myself in this photo is that I'm skinnier than I thought and I don't like it. Not to mention I look like a fucking ghost. It's a good thing my shoulder finally healed so I can start working out again. Gonna get jacked brehs.
I can already predict the top post saying something along the lines of it's not really Zeph's facebook; he probably got it off's a repost from something a few months ago blah blah blah