The pics thread

^ Worst substance I've ever put in my mouth. I mean, I like prime rums as much as the next guy... but the Kraken... there aren't any words.

But hey, different strokes.
I usually stick to Sailor Jerry, so 92 proof. But I dunno. Maybe the Kraken's just too much of a beast for me to handle.
Yeah, different tastes then, I typically can't do Sailor Jerry unless i've already downed a couple stiff ones.

Have you tried this?
Odd, as I have a harder time getting the Kraken down than the Sailor's.

And nope, never have tried that! What's it like? Will look for it next time I roll by the LC though, my interest is piqued.
It's only 70 proof but its a good spiced rum out of Chicago. Strong carmel aftertaste, one of the few rums i'll gladly take pulls of straight all night.

Oh, and it sits at around the same price as Captain so you're not paying top shelf prices despite it being a superior product.