The pics thread

gorgeous as always neurotica! nothing like an attractive woman with a good taste in music that still looks classy.

probably the most recent 2 pictures of myself. i look so young compared to everyone else my age.


gorgeous as always neurotica! nothing like an attractive woman with a good taste in music that still looks classy.

probably the most recent 2 pictures of myself. i look so young compared to everyone else my age.



You're beautiful lol.
gorgeous as always neurotica! nothing like an attractive woman with a good taste in music that still looks classy.
Oh thank you, I kinda gave up on wearing metal shirts and looking like a bagger 27/4, i guess I'm growing up :D

And thank you, Brad!
My pic was awesome but it is now forever lost in the realms of time. Unless I want to get pegged, that is.
I can't really be bothered with metal shirts these days. There's something a bit childish about them really. I don't know.