The pics thread

Party hard.


The ollady has her plates on backwards....

Or everyone else does...
That doesn't mean shit Kara, I know quite a few that started going bald in their twenties. Enough that I'd daresay it's kinda normal.

I guess you are right about that. I really feel bad for the guys that it happens to though. If I started to go bald I would probably be even more depressed than I am right now.
I guess you are right about that. I really feel bad for the guys that it happens to though. If I started to go bald I would probably be even more depressed than I am right now.

Honestly the dudes I know who lost their hair early in life tend to be cooler than other dudes. It takes a lot to accept something like that, and will put more hair on your chest than before.
Behold the "Milky Pin-ups" with girls wearing "splashed milk" dresses. Pretty awesome.







Those are pretty awesome! Plus, you know... milk... is good for your bones... all of them... even the metaphorical ones.
So I finally got my talon labret ring in the mail, after much bullshit with the stupid ass company I bought it from. Yay or nay? I say yay, bf says yay, friends are pretty much evenly split. Just curious if a bunch of metal heads think it's cool or too extreme for a female.


Edit: As I am currently detoxing from facebook, forgive my facebook-like behavior. This site is my replacement drug for now, until I can wean myself off cyber socializing permanently.
Well I do think Jafar's pretty hot, so I'd say that's a good thing, even if I am a chick. And I'm gonna plead the fifth on that first pic, I have no knowledge of such things.

It does look like a goatee. A shiny, wicked goatee.
Carpe, was that decision influenced in any way due to the comments you received about the size of your chin? If so, we require profile shots to see if it alleviates or emphasizes that particular aesthetic feature. Judging its impact on your attractiveness from the position of a forum-dwelling perverted virgin I say that it looks fine, but if I were to actually see a person wearing that in the real world I might be less accepting.

How are you going bald already? You have to be in your twenties still.

I dunno, it's more common in certain families. In my family we have four hair types: the guys that keep a thick head for a while, the guys that look like Colonel Klink by 30, the guys that having rapidly receding hairlines at the temples (me and my maternal grandfather) but keep a decent amount otherwise, and those that get the large monk-style bald spot without too much recession around the temples. Actually, I think that covered all possible types, maybe a consequence of being a Euro-mutt.

I've also seen people blame Accutane, and I did start to notice recession around when I stopped using it, but I think it's likely a coincidence (late teens/early 20s guys concerned over their hideous faces, their attention shifts to the next male-beauty concern of baldness, and they assume the drug was responsible). Shitty timing either way.

Hamburger Boy why did I think you looked Persian?

Because I posted about a Persian mancrush from one of my biochem classes.
Carpe, you know I <3 you but I don't like the new ring. It is too big IMO and a little distracting from your other nice features.

My bf is bald and and started going bald at like 18. My mom freaked because she believed he was "too young to be bald" so we tried all sorts of shit like burdock root, wheat grass shots and even rogaine (his idea and it only worked for a bit then stopped working if anyone is curious). And of course he didn't want to be bald and was bummed. None of it worked and I believe the only thing that does work is a pill called propecia but it's really expensive. So the Heisenberg cut it is and I don't mind at all. Male patterned baldness does not run in my fam (according to my mother even though I swore I've seen a bunch of bald guys) but really it's fine. Even though she'd claim there's never been a bald Demetrius in the end no one cared and got use to it. If everything else is fine I.e nice eyes, nice smile etc it's actually really endearing and could enhance your looks.

Edit: whoops didn't realize I double posted. XD
HB I just finally got that in the mail after like... way too long, even though I bought it a month ago.

I will take these additional views into consideration on the talon ring, and maybe save it for occasions when I'm dripping with black eye liner. I like the masculinity of a metal goatee, perhaps some balance of femininity would make it as awesome to others as I think it is.
I dunno, it's more common in certain families. In my family we have four hair types: the guys that keep a thick head for a while, the guys that look like Colonel Klink by 30, the guys that having rapidly receding hairlines at the temples (me and my maternal grandfather) but keep a decent amount otherwise, and those that get the large monk-style bald spot without too much recession around the temples. Actually, I think that covered all possible types, maybe a consequence of being a Euro-mutt.

I've also seen people blame Accutane, and I did start to notice recession around when I stopped using it, but I think it's likely a coincidence (late teens/early 20s guys concerned over their hideous faces, their attention shifts to the next male-beauty concern of baldness, and they assume the drug was responsible). Shitty timing either way.

I've heard that a lot as well, all those drugs that "cure" acne can be really dangerous and can fuck your shit up for permanently. Some can actually cause hair loss, not mention their are easier methods of curing acne without drugs even in severe cases.