The pics thread

Did it impact your mood? I have DISGUSTING acne and I'm so sick of it. Birth control pills would fix it but it's not worth it to destroy my relationship with constantly being in a bitchy mood + not wanting to be touched ever

I got a little depressed but not as severely as others who took Accutane. In regards to birth control, my girlfriend was on the pill for about six months, and it sent her libido to absolute shit and totally messed with her emotions. Afterwards, she swore she'd never be on the pill again. She's been using the ring for the last year, and it seems to be okay.

they need to hurry up with that injectable male birth control
Yeah I took it too in high school. It cleared up my acne but would not recommend it. I don't think they even make it anymore. There was some class action lawsuit against it, I think I got like $80 for whatever poison they put into me as an acne pill.

The Accutane brand is off the market, but the same drug (isotretinoin) is used in different brand names like Claravis. Legal guidelines for dispensing it can be a pain sometimes.

Did it impact your mood? I have DISGUSTING acne and I'm so sick of it. Birth control pills would fix it but it's not worth it to destroy my relationship with constantly being in a bitchy mood + not wanting to be touched ever

Depression in clinical studies is rare, most of the evidence is anecdotal. Just don't get prego if you take it.

I'm only speaking anecdotally. Was on BC pill for 5+ years. My skin fell apart and visibly bubbled within a week of stopping the pill.

Still worth it though
FD That's exactly how I feel about birth control. I'd rather have a pregnancy scare every month than be feeding my body weird hormones all the time.

My theory is that BC works because it makes sex really unappealing for a considerable percentage of the people who take it. I'm sure there's a method that would work but the only way to find out is to try it, and I'd rather not try to fix something that isn't broken

Exactly. I was thinking of BC because a friend told me it shortens your cycle (tmi alert but mine is fucking 8 days :( ) but those side effects just isn't worth it at all.
There are a ton of options that eliminate that altogether, and then there are copper IUDs where you get 2 week long periods. NO THANKS
I've never been on any birth control, since I just started having sex around Valentines Day last year. To be honest we just ride bareback and I trust him to know when to pull out. The day's gonna come where I need an abortion.. I'm sure it'll teach me a lesson. But honestly even with a full serving of semen pregnancy isn't a guarantee.

I wanna get on something to be safe, because being terrified of being pregnant every month sucks, but nothing seems to be all that safe. The pill totally makes women crazy, and every other option seems either invasive or expensive. I've given that little implant they put under your arm a thought or two.

Since it's the pic thread... pic related. Welcome to, our vaginas hurt.

This brings up an interesting thought...would people like Mort want our cocks to bleed every month for the purpose of equality?
Can't say I've experienced any side effects from being on BC, but I'm on the kind you take for 21 days then have a seven day break, so you still get a period, and an easy period at that, two or three days and it's over. If anything I found its helped so much, I got Anaemia cause of heavy periods, and the pain used to be so severe some months, I'd honestly pass out. Haven't had any of that since starting the pill, no bad skin, no mood swings, but maybe cause the pill I take doesn't stop my cycle altogether, and they obviously work, haven't gotten pregnant yet and we don't use condoms.
Carpe, if you wanna go on BC maybe the 21 day pill is the one for you :)