The pics thread

I suppose this is the best place to ask. I'm looking for a pic that I'm sure was posted on UM in the past, I think someone posted it as a response to someone saying something dumb or they disagreed with. It was a comic of a guy with a beard at a bar laughing really hard and the caption was something along the lines of "Haha oh man, this guy!". Does that ring any bells or am I imagining shit?
It's made from natural aloe and oatmeal. The alternative was peroxide or sulfur creams which didn't really work for me, so yeah. Besides, it's not even a problem if you're like me and never go outside.
I took Accutane for 6 months when I was in high school, and man that shit fucks you up. The worst was when my lips dried out and the corners cracked. Ugh that was painful. But at least I never have acne again
Did it impact your mood? I have DISGUSTING acne and I'm so sick of it. Birth control pills would fix it but it's not worth it to destroy my relationship with constantly being in a bitchy mood + not wanting to be touched ever
^ had no idea birth control did that. If anything, I would think it would help to fix mood swings.

But yeah I wouldn't take accutane. Just don't trust it. Acne isn't that bad (if it's not really really severe of course) it actually means your skin is still young if you get pimples once in awhile.
I took Accutane for 6 months when I was in high school, and man that shit fucks you up. The worst was when my lips dried out and the corners cracked. Ugh that was painful. But at least I never have acne again

Yeah I took it too in high school. It cleared up my acne but would not recommend it. I don't think they even make it anymore. There was some class action lawsuit against it, I think I got like $80 for whatever poison they put into me as an acne pill.
I only ever hear of those side effects on this forum. No other woman I've met has had those problems with their birth control. It kind of reminds me of my roommates two years ago where both of them happened to have the cucumber gene and thought the taste of cucumber was the strongest and most vile thing on earth. Apparently that condition is very rare and I hit the jackpot and met two of them in the same place.
FD That's exactly how I feel about birth control. I'd rather have a pregnancy scare every month than be feeding my body weird hormones all the time.

My theory is that BC works because it makes sex really unappealing for a considerable percentage of the people who take it. I'm sure there's a method that would work but the only way to find out is to try it, and I'd rather not try to fix something that isn't broken