The pics thread

Yeah, I'll skip a day on showering if I have like, barely moved at all and have no intention to leave the house, which hasn't happened in forever.
It's not girly, it's just sane, imo. Why comparing camping to everyday's life when you have a shower near you pretty much all the time but still use it once a week?
Plus even while camping it's possible to wash yourself if you have an access to somewhat clean water, there are ways.

But it's your business and your life, people are all different...
I personally find it shocking, but if it works for you and for people around you - so be it.

For sure, live and let live :Smokedev:
I get not using brand name soaps since the chemicals in them are harmful but there are tons of muds and natural soaps that could be used that aren't harmful.

Also, call me ignorant but if you take a shit, you're gonna be smelly. Unless you're on a raw vegan diet or something. And most people number 2 once a day so a week is a long time to wait to not at least rinse yourself off with water.

I grew up in the poor side of Jamaica (St Catherine's) where soap, toothpaste , clothes deodorant and all that shit was basically nonexistent. But you learn alt for hygiene if you wanted teeth past 13...But man we sure did make sure to rinse off after number 2... Wouldn't that just feel uncomfortable?
Oh that comes naturally for me haha. I'm kinda gross, I shower about once a week. Nobody bitches about me smelling though, and I've specifically asked if I stink. I think going so many years hardly showering has caused my BO chemistry to naturally adjust itself. Seriously.

Plus I totally dig my hair messy.

I shower 1-3 times a day depending on what I did and if I lifted or did anything labourious.
One of the strange things about me is that I'm sort of OCD about hygiene.
Is it me or is my post showing up as Nephilim at the bottom of 1708?

Honestly, as long as you get clean afterwards whatever method. I just found it hard to think ok I'm gonna poop then just pulling up your pants without doing anything to clean. It's uncomfortable for animals, it'd definitely be uncomfortable for us.
Id like to know what animal wipes their ass?


Who the fuck said they werent cleaning their ass? Why even bother with the toilet at that point? Lets all just poop our pants. That makes sense.
I shower every morning regardless what. I wake up, have a cig, some coffee, take a shower. After I take a cup of coffee outside and have a cig. I eat breakfast and right after I have another cig. I do the exact same type of ritual everyday. I do watch news and sports center, but other than that I rarely watch TV. I usually watch Football on the weekened if it is the season or basketball at night.
I came across a few in Kathmandu (Nepal) at the only open cremation temple in their country, Pashupatinath.

Also, came across a few in Varanasi (India), at another open cremation site.

They are scam artists. Atleast the ones I came across. Pressure people into paying for their services that they didnt ask for, and if you dont pay, a few claimed to curse you.

Real Aghori, Sadhus, or holy men wont be on the streets trying to scam tourists. They are tucked away doing rigorous Sadhanas. They come out for Kumbh Mela, and the Maha Kumbh Mela to take a dip in the river with millions of other people.

I doubt there is a lot of soap there, either.