The pics thread


Can't tell which one is you, considering I've seen one pic... but that dude on the left looks like the kind of person I'd definitely wanna drink with.

Throwback Thursday for me... a few years ago, I went to a Halloween party as a dominatrix nun and as I was exhibiting my whip Jesus showed up :lol: :lol: :lol: Few moments in life are as ripe for picture taking as that one.

Jordan (the guy on the left) is one of the funniest bastards Ive met. Put him next to Schmidt and involve copious amounts of Natty Boh and you are guaranteed a good time.

My friend Nicole has some awesome videos of Jordan from MDF 3 or 4 years ago talking about crocheting blankets and taking a woman out for "a nice fish dinner". Its fucking GOLD.
Shit man wish you could post the vid. I'm gonna have to hit up MDF one of these days when I'm not a broke-ass, I'd definitely wanna hang with some of you people.
I wish I didn't fuck up Zeph's phone number last year and actually meet him on MDF... I was texting to a random person for the whole day and that fag didn't even bother to tell me that Im knocking on the wrong door.

PS: the girl above is a piece of art!
Taping your nude body is all the rage right now, I recently saw both a Brazzers video and an In The VIP video with tape in almost the same exact pattern.
Ha that's pretty funny. Man I'm like filled with moles. Where the hell do they come from? I got a bunch on my face too.

Carpe I like your costume. Homemade costumes > store bought any day.