The pics thread



He might be skinnier than me.

So I'm spending my time not very constructively. Watching a picture of this witch. For me this is out of the rating scale beauty. She reminds me of horse-chick enough I guess.

Seriously that image has some otherworldly spell cast on it or something. The look. I need a defense spell but none are at hand.

EDIT: Other pics of her not so much, but w/e.

Here's some more shitty pictures from my phone. The first one's from a gallery me and my chick went to. It's a gallery of modern art just across the river from my neighborhood. This was one of the pieces:


Here's me rolling something fun with my mate's fucktoy.


EDIT: One more. They're like, atmospheric mate.

Im right there with you dude. I have pretty much the same height and just 5 to 10 lbs heavier depending if I just got out of the shower or not.

Its our fucking metabolism...Nothing we can do or eat changes our weight. For example, last Saturday night I split a half gallon of ice cream with a friend and didnt even think twice about it. Was hungry again in 30 minutes where I proceeded to goto In-N-Out, get 2 double-double's and animal fries. By the time I went to sleep, about an hour and half later, I was hungry again. Didnt gain a fucking ounce.

Then again, I mountain bike and do yoga regularly. But even when I was a lazy fuck eating like absolute shit, I still had the same weight, just felt worse.
It was shivers and joint aches funtimes yesterday, blisters today.

@HB: Between 5'11" and 6'0", 125 lbs.

That explains it I guess. There's still something unusual about how your ribcage isn't protruding at all in spite of your size, but I dunno, maybe I'm just a big boned anorexic and mistakenly apply my physical expectations on others. Not intended to be a criticism/insult, btw, it looks athletic in a way.