The pics thread

I swear you took pretty much the same picture with a different dumpster that said the same thing a few years ago.

This one is for TNB... :lol:

I swear you took pretty much the same picture with a different dumpster that said the same thing a few years ago.

Different dumpster on the University of Maine campus. Unfortunately, the same dumpster has a bunch of other crap sprayed on it, so you can barely read the "Metal Only, No Trash" part of it.

Just culminated my vacation in Europe by going to the great electronic music festival that is Street Parade with some good friends in Zürich, Switzerland. I also bought some beautiful locks that are only rivaled by Kafka's exquisite mane.

Yes, for my show I ran for a few years at my college radio station at UMaine. The "Metal Only, No Trash" was already written on the dumpster, and my friend who took the photo photoshopped the WMEB logo onto it for the flyer. It went up all over campus.

I'm tempted to resurrect the show at the University of Iowa's student station, but I'm wary of making extra commitments.
LOL! Those are some natty locks, brah. This is that EDM festival you talked about awhile back, yeah? Thousands of people right?

And Jeremy, is that a legit flyer?

Yeah same one, this year it was nearly a million people there :O
Well the event takes place in nearly the entire city so you can just piss in the alleyways. All the surrounding bars charge like 5 bucks to go to the bathrooms so fuck that lol. But yeah, this year was exceptionally crowded, which is interesting because the mainstage line-up was the weakest I've seen so far. I guess people have figured out that the side stages put on the best shows. I discovered Delakeyz, local deep house DJ in Zurich, you should check out his soundcloud page, he's dope.
went to Vegas for a bachelor party this weekend. It was pretty awesome. Me and three of my best friends and a friend of a friend. There was A LOT of alcohol consumed, but the best part was we went to this shooting range called Battlefield Vegas. They have everything. My buddy, the one who is getting married, got to fire a fucking grenade launcher. Obviously it wasn't a real grenade; they swapped the ballistics with a shotgun shell...otherwise the whole goddamn place would blow up.

I got to shoot a Mauser 98K rifle that was actually used by the Nazis in WWII. The instructor told me it was their largest caliber rifle (7.92x57mm) other than their 50 cal, which obviously cannot be shot inside. Holy fucking goddamn did this gun hurt. I have a pretty gnarly bruise near my shoulder. But it was fucking awesome to shoot a real bolt action rifle where I had to clear the casing after every shot. Here's a picture of me with it:


What was also cool was the place was staffed by former and current military members, many of whom were discharged for disability. Super cool guys. We were picked up and dropped off at our hotel in a military humvee. Fucking badass. Afterwards, we had whiskey and meat for dinner. It was a manly weekend