The pics thread

Capitalism? Boo hoo, try inventing a different system that works better than capitalism does.

Well it depends on what you mean by capitalism and as to what you want out of a system when you determine how good/bad capitalism is. I believe most people who complain about capitalism don't know what they mean by the term, and wouldn't give up what it provides for the sake of the things that it may or may not provide.

To contribute a (not my) picture of a pub I went to in Portland some years ago:

Capitalism? Boo hoo, try inventing a different system that works better than capitalism does.

HA! So milions of dead iraqies works fine for you? - fuck off!
And if this superior system of yours end up killing us all, how would I go about telling you just how insane it was?
"What kind of mint?" "My children deserve to see me win a free gift"

Greed is now a virtue - fuck no...

Go to Guatemala and tell me all about how great capitalism is.