The pics thread

Girls username was Ossa or something. One of my friends long since gone from here sent them to me after she posted them. I'm not sure who she originally sent them tool or how they ended up on UM.

She was pretty enough, just topless mirror pics.

We also had a fairly portly goth girl post some racy pics and didn't take too long to realize her mistake either.
There was also a girl who had a thing for blonde men who was from NYC or something and had to wear heels all the time because her feet were broken, I think she came here just to post semi-nudes and get appreciation.

Before Ossa there was Sao. Sao's boyfriend posted nudes of her on here in revenge after they broke up because he knew she posted on here, after that she freaked out and left.
Was Sao just Ossa after trying to change her name though? The names seem too similar. Maybe it was like the Omni/Mercyful Fate thing where they tried to come back under a different name but got found out not long afterward.

I seem to remember there was a girl here named Stephanie with a bunch of threes or e's at the end of her name that found my Facebook and sent me a request and was always posting weird shit and stuff that looked to be her "foot modeling"

She wasn't a bot though, feel like maybe started talking to her in the brutal death metal thread, oddly enough.
That's quite fucking evil tbh, just cause it's always gonna float around the net. If an ex did that to me my mum would lose her shit and try to kidnap them/do surgery on them in the woods.

Also, her feet were broken and she had to wear heels? Wat. Sounds like a bullshit excuse to show off to me. Heels would just fuck up broken feet more, even doctors advise against wearing heels all the time cause it does damage over time.

Yeah dunno why they bother.
Although, there's this girl in our metal community, it's vast and everyone knows everyone kinda thing, she's literally only into metal because of the attention she can get from it. I don't even think she really likes metal that much tbh she just goes to the gigs to fuck hot metal dudes but she's actually like a total psycho.
Could be a similar thing with these girls, you never know what's going on with someone really though.

I don't think the pic I posted was provocative tho, or was it? I'm a bit of a spaz with that stuff, I was already sat down and couldn't be arsed getting up just to take a pic. Tho I guess anythings provocative if you look at it in that way.
I'm a grouchy old drunk but I'm generally not a fan of the obnoxious slutty metal concert girl type. Laughed my ass off when I saw people crying about the guy from Deiphago punching one in the face at Hells Headbash last year.
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Is there a vid somewhere? Those sorta obnoxious girls drive me bloody mental. It's not just guys that they annoy, they get all "territorial" and fucking weird with all the other girls and it's really bitchy and horrible. They're just girls tho, like can't find it within themselves to fucking befriend another woman and enjoy it. Much defensiveness.

I have a gig bestie who's this pretty fucking tall 6'5 black metal giant of a guy, like I won't go to gigs unless I have someone who can protect me cause some douche canoe broke my jaw years back, kinda knocked my confidence a bit at gigs.
Anyway, every time I go to a gig now we both roll our eyes at the advances he gets with these stupid bloody women cause he's so muscular, but he doesn't DO whoring out etc since he's demi like me, so I end up having to be a cock block all the time and him vice versa.

Tho, some of the shit they say to him is just fucking weird and totally uncalled for.
Not that long ago pre-gig at a pub one of em was all "I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO YOUR HAIR" to him and wasn't leaving him alone and being all like over the top "SO RANDOM SO COOL LOL" doing all this weird shit for a solid 20 mins, then kept insulting him because he wasn't saying anything and I just went "oi, your creamy clymedia fanny isn't gonna touch him, fuck off back to whatever guy you're using" She tried to pour her drink on me but I twatted it out of her hand and tripped her up then she ran off crying, me and some other mates we made there DIED laughing. Her own fault for being such a cunt for no reason though. Truth hurts I guess. :rofl:

And also, I agree with the punch comment, I've been punched before at gigs, it doesn't even hurt that much when you're wasted.
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The last concert I went to I got so drunk waiting for Brimstone Coven to play I don't actually remember them playing at all.

Moby looking motherfucker with a drum machine in his groove metal band made me try for alcohol poisoning.
Yeah there are a lot of women who slut about in the metal scene and have a thing for men with long hair. There are a lot of retarded guys too, kind of "metal chavs". I don't really go to live performances any more but if I do I think I'll go for seating.
@Krow You know, there's an actual fetish for moobs. srs.

@SentinelSlain Ah I like seated gigs too, but it's not always the case unfortunately. I like going up to the front barrier sometimes at standing but it's kinda risky, bum grabs are NOT fun, like they think I'll move if they keep doing it so they can get to the barrier but I'm always ready to kick them in the bollocks with my boots on.
I'm exclusively attracted to alcoholic cavewomen.

But anyway the guy from Deiphago did apparently punch her right proper, it wasn't a playful drunk guy punch, it was a straight up third world Asian black metal punch hahaha.

Metal shows are cesspools to me, I have to be 100% destroyed to tolerate it.
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lmao, did she deserve it tho? It's always better when they're a cunt.

Metal shows are cesspools to me, I have to be 100% destroyed to tolerate it.

Pretty much. This is why I have giant friend else I can't be bothered going putting up with the drunk spastics. Comes in handy tho, no one wants to fuck with him, of course people have tried to be billy big bollocks to take him on, which is usually cringeworthy as fuck.
I normally go to the Apollo theatre these days tho and security is pretty strict so we don't have too many problems nowadays.
The story told was that she was swiping the beer that was backstage for the band.

I like the ring of an Asian third world black metal haymaker. He did really blast her, definitely not a fun pit bro punch. Her eye was all busted up and blacked, iirc.
Ahh right, yeah I'd be mad too if someone stole our booze. I guess it's likely she won't steal booze again tho after that.
I bet it was one of those girls who thought they'd just let her get away with it because girl lol.