The pics thread

These people mount pig heads on stakes and flop their hairy dicks out while they roar about nihilism and the devil, they don't care about yuppie metallers and their Kim Kelly bullshit journalism activism.

Hey, she actually saved me from many of drunken late night trips back home on the train by letting me crash at her place. woot.

I love the girl, but i dont actually always agree with her. I don't know the Deciaphgo girl too well (or how to spell that band's name:lol:), but her boyfriend at the time played for Iron Reagan. What i understand was she was backstage put her drink down, went to the bathroom, picked it back up and the guy punched her thinking it was his drink.

I met KK at a show in St Vitus and she was pretty blasted, complimented me on something and she literally put her hand on my shoulders and started head banging. We'd periodically see each other at shows, and one night I had a little too much to drink and told her i was considering taking a cab all the way back home (I live in the Bronx and most shows are in Brooklyn which is like a 2 hour ride on the train), but she offered for me to stay at her place so i instead paid for the cab to her place which was wayyyyyy cheaper. We literally bought a bunch of Kennedy Fried Chicken popcorn chicken and fries stayed up until 8 in the morning talking shit. She's a nice girl and honestly i knew where she worked but didn't realize how much the internet disliked her until I was bored one day and scrolled NWN forums after ordering something.

Now UMF is absolutely nothing compared to NWN, tbh. those people I really can't stomach and honestly if I browsed those forums all the time I might start preaching shit to the metal community too (well not really but still). One thing super fucked up I saw recently over there was that somebody reposted a picture of someone who was transgendered and they were like utterly ripping that person apart to the point where I had to exit out of that shit. I guess it's just me and my hypersensitive conscious and just general sympathy towards situations like that but that was straight brutal and disgusting. and yes I realize it's metal there's a ton of shitty people and ideas but to be an adult and actively bully someone online like that for pages and pages was mind boggling to me.

wow, that was longer than i intended. i don't go to shows all that much anymore but when i do i keep to myself, usually. i don't like attention at all (especially sexual attention). nothing completely traumatizing has ever happened like getting punched in the face. the worse thing that's ever happened to me was actually last year's mdf some dude was taking a picture with my ass while i was watching Razor. I felt something brush against my back leg and turned around and see him getting up with his phone in his hand. I yelled at him, demanded he deleted it, watched him delete it, and lectured him. basically the worse i've experience was that and butt grabbing which happened probably about 3 times over the span of like... 11 years? that's actually not that bad.
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I'm not saying she's a bad person at all, Kim Kelly is just a vanilla SJW journalist to me, but what I am saying is these lunatic underground extreme metallers don't give a shit about any of this stuff. The underground will never change, you can give it an SJW/feminist/leftist make-over and people will just go further underground because they're maniacs and antisocial.
i know you're not and i do agree with you that there will always be people to push the underground further. i'm just speculating where some of the "sjw" stuff probably stems from. NWN forum people are intense and they critique her just as quick as she critiques them, so i suppose the critiques are neutral. but at the same time i do think some things within the underground is changing probably due to more people knowing about it because of the internet and just people with different perspectives listening to the same type of music. people like to have conversations about shit.

now, everyone's opinions are on the internet, which leads to more talking. so things are much easier to get blown out of proportion, and obviously that has its advantages and disadvantages.

tldr: the underground is underground but a lot more people are talking about it

Edit: obviously i'm one of those people who thinks racism and misgyony isn't edgy or extreme but fucking retarded (and agree with KK with that whole heartedly) but that's besides the point. also, to me it seems like the biggest whiners are the anti-antifa and the anti-sjw and they want their own safe spaces to be a bunch of morons but yolo i suppose.
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it seems like the biggest whiners are the anti-antifa and the anti-sjw and they want their own safe spaces to be a bunch of morons but yolo i suppose.

That's obviously not true, but I see what you're implying.

I personally don't care if underground metal "scenes" are PC'd out of existence because I've never liked the idea of metal brotherhood (I guess sisterhood too sorrynotsorry) and metal communities to begin with and if equality crusaders want to do that and go through the headache of convincing drunken devil worshipers that sniff glue to stop calling women bitches at shows, good for them.

People like Kim Kelly also want to clean up the more porno/sexist theme brutal death metal/grind too so we'll see how that goes, sorry Prostitute Disfigurement but you're gonna have to change your name.

Bodyshamed Sex Worker has a good ring to it.

But anyway, busy bodies just annoy me, I don't need advocacy groups and moralists with blogs to come to my brown defense because some drunk tithead called me a monkey, I can just kick his ass or break a bottle over his face and the true message of metal rebellion and individual strength is lost on any woman that needs to cry in a corner because the world is mean.

I know it's a cunty way to look at things, but that's just me. There's real oppression and then there's being offended over the retarded words of Phil Anselmo.
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I pretty much agree with most of what you said tbh.
I don't get involved in the elitist communities much, they just want to argue and have a superiority complex about being right all the time. I noticed in a few of them, you even say you're a metal girl the guys don't even take you seriously, cause that lovely sexism is still quite prominent in various places. I don't get offended by it though because it's common af, I just hang out with dudes who aren't dickheads about it instead and ignore the dicks who deserve to be forever alone.

Racism is just boring and unnecessary to me, you might as well walk around with a sticker on your face saying "complete twat" lol

Also if that guy did just twat her in the face cause she was stealing then good on him, but if she didn't steal drinks and he got it mixed up then that guys a massive dickhead, the same as he would be if it happened to a guy tbh. But I figure people who get annoyed about men hitting women are the "WOMEN ARE WEAK" kinda people, which is sexist in itself if they want equality yet complain about it. *shrug*

I have a Prostitute Disfigurement shirt haha

But yeah there's no point being offended with something intended to be tbh, waste of energy. Even if you convince someone they're a cunt all you'll get is a meaningless 'sorry' so blah.

Honestly I don't mind the whole brotherhood thing, it just means less fighting at gigs which are just an inconvenience anyway when they knock into you and you spill yer drink.
Tho, having PC as fuck people around is boring anyway because they just spam you with debates and arguments when you just wanna let loose and relax.

But hey, this is why I go to metal gigs with rough blokes who can fight either way, protection doesn't hurt when you're a twig and they enjoy knocking ten tons of shit out of some dickhead. :lol:
Actually I think grouping/collectivism/tribalism leads to more violence not less, you act like a dick because you know x amount of brotards "have your back."

If some "friend" starts something and looks to me to have his back, I'm going to watch and laugh haha.

the guys don't even take you seriously, cause that lovely sexism is still quite prominent in various places.
we have ourselves the annoying wannabe metal girls who throw themselves at anything with a dick even if it's already taken.
they just made loads of social problems between friends and weren't even into the music.
But yeah anyway we get a lot of these idiot girls here who only go to the metal places because they want the D and it's boring/annoying.

Is it sexism or is it just experience based skepticism? I notice the same thing within nerd culture, males are skeptical and maybe there's some justification.
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I never see fights at metal gigs ever.

You're the first cunt knocked out, that's why.


Dunno tbh, it's always kinda the brotherhood thing here so I haven't really seen it without. Then again I think culture could be coming into play a bit because of the whole football hooliganism thing we have here, so it's seen as normal to stick up for your mates. idk.


Well you're lucky then, I've had my drink knocked out of my hand plenty of times.
I remember at festival ages ago some bellend pushed into a girl before the band had even started and all hell broke out, worst fight I saw.

I know the gig fights in countries like Mexico/Argentina are pretty brutal, they have like gang wars there between different metal fans.
That's obviously not true, but I see what you're implying.

I personally don't care if underground metal "scenes" are PC'd out of existence because I've never liked the idea of metal brotherhood (I guess sisterhood too sorrynotsorry) and metal communities to begin with and if equality crusaders want to do that and go through the headache of convincing drunken devil worshipers that sniff glue to stop calling women bitches at shows, good for them.

People like Kim Kelly also want to clean up the more porno/sexist theme brutal death metal/grind too so we'll see how that goes, sorry Prostitute Disfigurement but you're gonna have to change your name.

Bodyshamed Sex Worker has a good ring to it.

But anyway, busy bodies just annoy me, I don't need advocacy groups and moralists with blogs to come to my brown defense because some drunk tithead called me a monkey, I can just kick his ass or break a bottle over his face and the true message of metal rebellion and individual strength is lost on any woman that needs to cry in a corner because the world is mean.

I know it's a cunty way to look at things, but that's just me. There's real oppression and then there's being offended over the retarded words of Phil Anselmo.

Let's be clear: I wasn't implying that you are one of those people. You misinterpreted, as I was actually talking about the people on the NWN forums who make jokes like "dweebkike" and actually mean it. I'm not actually super PC at all in any way but when you only have a problem with something being unjust if it has the potential to affect you that's total bullshit which is what i was seeing on that forum.

Now, what I saw on that site was a bunch of jock rejects who have formed their own hard ass club taking the opportunity to let their inner shithead run amok. Undeniably, there's an opportunity in metal where you just have to be a white straight male to be on the top of the food chain as long as you don't express sympathy for people who are not. No one is saying brown people, women, homosexuals, and just people who aren't straight white males need a savior in metal. But just as they have the opportunity to exercise their freedom of speech, then anyone else can do the same as well so I really don't see what the big deal is.

I'm black too and clearly i can defend myself online and in real life, but if someone sees or has experience with the bullshit (meaning they were signaled out for not fitting in) why should they not say something? Just because certain individuals can handle situations better than others, doesn't mean they can handle everything.
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You're the first cunt knocked out, that's why.

So all those times I can't remember getting home weren't just because of the alcohol?

Well you're lucky then, I've had my drink knocked out of my hand plenty of times.
I remember at festival ages ago some bellend pushed into a girl before the band had even started and all hell broke out, worst fight I saw.

I know the gig fights in countries like Mexico/Argentina are pretty brutal, they have like gang wars there between different metal fans.
I must be really lucky, I've been going to gigs for like 25 years. I've seen some moshpits that got a bit out of hand and some stern words here & there that almost became fights, but nothing full on. Unless I just can't remember, which is definitely a possibility.
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Oh I know you weren't talking about me, I don't spew a lot of racist and sexist stuff like the dumbasses on the NWN forum. I was just ranting/rambling.

I don't really see the reality you're describing in metal though, it's one of the most open and accepting cultures I know of, which is exactly why it pisses me off wen moralist crusaders dive in and stir up shit. I don't buy into that straight white male crap either. Maybe because I pass for white that I have a different perspective that obviously black people don't, I experience racism from both sides, just like Bob Marley did.
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Bob Marley couldn't pass though!
Edit: Yeah, but it is different and can't understand how that must feel.

Actually, Sean, I think a lot of metalheads are OK and even the ones who are a bit questionable with their views, aren't that terrible. However, the ones who are terrible are pretty fucking terrible. If NWN is representative of how a lot of them think then it isnt actually always a safe space. You wouldn't be able to open your mouth with ease because it's a room filled with potentially violent unreasonable sociopaths.

Edit: I saw some sfk posts in there and actually he's pretty reasonable in comparison... That says a lot lol
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Oh yeah those NWN extreme underground mongoloids are the ones I mean will never change ever and will just go deeper underground.

What I meant by Bob Marley was not that he passed, but that he was racially bullied for being too white by his family and black community and he was also racially bullied by whites and snubbed by his white family for being black.

That's a perspective most people don't have. I have it, I'll never forget the day my drunk mother told me I disgusted her because I was white, all the while being called a n***er for being indigenous.

Maybe that's why I have such arsehole views like I do, it all sounds like weak nonsense to me.

That is definitely something pretty unique for sure and can imagine how conflicting that might be. People are just fucked up it seems. You try your best but there's no avoiding not being a little fucked because life is pretty fucking ridiculous. Either way, i dont think your views are exactly bad at all and could see where you're coming from so there's that.

big ups from the boogie down. :kickass:
I agree with whoever said that the metal community is accepting, I don't think I ever witnessed a real fight at a gig or festival either. Sweden Rock Festival and other big metal festivals here are generally considered the most friendly and nice festivals in Sweden. My experiance from NWN-like people (never really been on those boards though) are that they mostly are underground dojo keyboard cagefighters that are just socially awkward and quite teethless when you met them irl. I know, I was one myself (maybe still am?). ;)
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Yeah that was me that said that, it's pretty much true. Beyond the meathead racism and the sexism-lite drunken horniness, they're pretty fucking open people.

Anyway that got weird, hahaha. Fuck NWN gayfags!