The pics thread

I just don't dig the more cultured forms of metal live. It's fucking boring, not enough huge fans pumping everyone else up and not enough party atmosphere in general. I'd rather go to a slayer show- and I'm not even a huge slayer fan- than most black or doom metal shows. Then again I have zero IRL friends who dig those bands with me so maybe having your own crew makes it better.

Like... I'm skipping out on Uncle Acid this year but wouldn't miss Clutch for anything.

A good live show is about 50% a good crowd. And I think that's an encompassing statement for this entire conversation.
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Anyway that got weird, hahaha. Fuck NWN gayfags!

When comes the Ayran Tank 88 double 7?
I will not be buying the colored vinyl, hook nosed music industry won't be getting my extra $1 for sub par sounding vinyl.
No good black metal exists from the pat 20 years except obscure demos and 7s no one cares about released in batches of 50.

Hook nose Antifa political correctness will no longer support band because they said they aren't racist on Facebook sleep in my bullet belt arggggghhhhhh
It's fucking boring, not enough huge fans pumping everyone else up and not enough party atmosphere in general.

This 100% not enough keg pillaging and sweat destruction, too much moping and corner occupying going on, worried about whether a hot bitch can see your best patches or whether a hot dude can see enough of your cleavage in that customised hot topic Dimmu Borgir top.
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Too much giving a shit, not enough looking a fool to the music.


Heading back on topic, deep fried wild chanterelles my wife and I made last night. Found them in the woods while waiting on someone at work.

Blue ink bleeding milk cap mushroom. These are edible, believe it or not.

And this one will literally kill you. A young Destroying Angel mushroom. Will nuke your kidneys and liver.
I'm not really a Municipal Waste fan but their crowds have the right idea.

Have you heard Bat yet? Contains a couple of their members and have released a few demos and a full length. Wings of Chains may be my favorite album so far this year. Devastated anything they did in MW.
I just went to a small town today within Manchester (Bury, pronounced Berry) to trade some 360 games in to the local CeX, met a mate for lunch and got talking to him and they were saying there used to be a metal bar around the corner from the pub we were talking in called Siberia and opposite this club there was a chav club (like dance music dickheads with gold chains and sports gear probably smackheads or crackheads) and they used to beat the ever living shit out of each other on a weekly basis for years on end apparently.

My mate was saying loads of scraps happen with metalheads and it's good to know how to fight around here because chavs hang about in groups and are always willing to attack/mug you just for being different. These chav dickheads also try to get into metal so you can imagine the sort of shit they bring to gigs/festivals, (like literally just buying a ticket to go and rob peoples tents) especially at gigs with Skindred supporting someone lol. I should probs do a poll on my fb, it's kinda interesting now I think about it.

I asked him about fighting at gigs as well, he pretty much said the same as me tho, I was all "someone said fighting doesn't happen much at their gigs so wtf?" and he was all "HAHA they probs don't go to gigs or at least around here then, I've seen it TONS of times and been in a few scraps myself, even in bloody LANDAAN, probs talking shit mate! Metalheads aren't perfect angels, far from it haha! You remember that time that lesbian lass went to the bar at Down and that Dave called her a fucking dyke and she went "YOU WHAT?" then threw that dickhead through the merch table and they got kicked out cause she beat the shit out of him and there was blood everywhere? Someone asked me about that and asking me if they knew Dave got the shit kicked out of him by a girl? Haha I laughed like fuck at that because I knew the girl. Though she got chucked out herself because she probs shouldn't of beat him up that much like."

So yeah, guess it depends where you go and on culture. I mean, Manchester isn't exactly well known for being safe or friendly on the whole lol.
Around here everyone including Chavs listen to (mainstream)metal and mostly wants to be cool and asks what I listen to and I'm like "Maiden" and they are like "yeah I like abit heavier stuff..(metalcore)" and feel good about themselves and buys me beer rather than beats me up.
I think the closest I've had to a fight at a gig is kind of rebutting people trying to get me in a mosh and also some very drunk old dude fell down on the floor with a bang when I moved, because he was kind of leaning on me. I think he'd actually fallen asleep.
I think the closest I've had to a fight at a gig is kind of rebutting people trying to get me in a mosh and also some very drunk old dude fell down on the floor with a bang when I moved, because he was kind of leaning on me. I think he'd actually fallen asleep.

Haha, that guy must've been wasted.

I'm actually under the impression after talking to people that a lot of the British football hooliganism kinda rubs off on to the metal community, and just how people are up here tbh.

But yeah here's an example of chavs 'getting into' metal.

Imo, just an excuse to fight.
There's even one of them wearing a fucking tracksuit, oh my days. You can imagine the sort of shit that breaks out because of them doing that ridiculous shit.

One of the comments summed it up nicely though haha.
"When scallies met metal kids and tried to invade the hardcore scene. They won't stick around. They'll eventually just get normal jobs and go to the pub on a Friday then off for a kebab and a fight."

Just the part about them not sticking around is wrong, you always see these bellends at festivals still, bah.

I've only been to bloodstock but the few chavvy looking people I saw there were people I think had solely gone there to steal from people's tents.