The pics thread

I must say, I'm surprised that Dave sleeps only six hours a night. Most bodybuilders/gym rats (myself included) like to try to get 8 hours of sleep. I hate it when I sleep less than 7 hours a night. Your muscles won't be growing as much as they can if you only sleep 6 hours a night. I only mention this, because it is as important to Dave as it is to me.
I must say, I'm surprised that Dave sleeps only six hours a night. Most bodybuilders/gym rats (myself included) like to try to get 8 hours of sleep. I hate it when I sleep less than 7 hours a night. Your muscles won't be growing as much as they can if you only sleep 6 hours a night. I only mention this, because it is as important to Dave as it is to me.

Come on you should know by now that with the sleeping time he's saving and with his dedication and hard working mentality he'll just work twice as hard to compensate and end up having better results then any other human being.
Yeah, those are some damn good law programs you're thinking of. I thought about Northwestern for MBA, but it's finance program isn't as strong as the University of Chicago.

I want to go somewhere close to home, but if I have get accepted to a good school elsewhere than I'm all game.
You're so naive,it's kind of cute, in a pathetic sort of way.

First of all, young people your age (and mine) for the most part (say 94%) need more than 6 hours of sleep at night. And that's just for the average person who doesn't do much. If you're going to be going at it with full time job, full time school PLUS working out almost every day??? You're going to burn out faster than The Challenger. With those kind of days of non-stop working on your body you need 8 hours of sleep at night. You're going to kill your immune system. 6 hours every two nights or so might be fine----but after a while of only getting 6 hours of sleep at night you're going to feel it.

Once again, you're so full of shit. But good luck.

eh, that's not really true, I've heard of soldiers who were able to adjust to 3 or 4 hours a night. One can easily live on 6-7 hours a night especially considering how great of a diet I have.

it's not like this is something new, I did the same thing last spring semester. Except it was 25 hours of work and 5 classes instead of 40 and 4. That extra class was about extra 7 hours of work (had to drive on tuesdays and thursdays to go for an hour and 15 minute class - 1 hour traveling time)

though you may be correct, I may cut it down to 34-36 hours a week instead of 40
Susperia, you live in Connecticut. You don't fucking know what it's like to have to pay your own way to better yourself. MANY of my friends have both full time jobs and are full time students. They don't really have a choice.

And your bullshit about needing a "full night's rest" is not necessarily true either because your body adjusts to your sleeping habits, which should be pretty obvious to somebody who knows so much about the sleeping needs of young adults. During the school year, I very rarely get 6 hours of sleep, but my body adjusts to the schedule. I may not be at my absolute peak of efficiency, but I'm leagues away from "burning out."
LOL I'm not sure if I am close to burning out, but I may be

my schedule last 2 days

friday 10-11:30 - workout
1:30 - 9:30 - work
10:00 - 4:00 am - Party
Saturday 9:30 - 6:30 - work
8:30 - 10 pm - workout

I'm about to go crash on my bed.
you don't think I am cool enough to get invited to parties? :mad: :mad:

it was pretty mediocre party though TBH, 10 guys only 6 chicks, 3 were really unattractive (though pretty cool to talk to). I did make some new friends though so that should help extend my "social network"

holy fuck am I exhausted, just finished a hellacious workout :kickass:
It is not that I do not think you are 'cool' enough it is that I think people who go 'party' or say that they 'party' are retarded.

I guess I am just anti-social.