The pics thread

Well seeing as I don't like asian girls and I'm a white guy that still fits. However tbqh I can only think of two real life girls who stated or demonstrated a preference for them. Also quite a lot of women like men with blue eyes (and a minority like blond men like me), which puts a huge percentage of black men out of the equation.
So are black dudes to chicks what asian women are to men ?
I really don't think so, since a lot of women seem to be intimidated by black men, but I doubt you'll meet any men who are intimidated by Asian women. I also understand that women are attracted to men who are dominant, but this is not the kind of intimidation that I'm talking about.

Most of the black guys who I know all speak, act and dress about the same as anyone else and they same to have plenty of friends of multiple nationalities, but a lot of the black guys on campus who speak and act like stereotypes basically just hang out with other black people and are probably stuck that way since no one wants to hang out with black stereotypes aside from other black stereotypes.

Alternatively, the female Asian exchange students are pretty stereotypically Asian and while some of them seem to prefer to hang out with other Asians, as long as they're average looking or better, they couldn't beat the white guys off with a stick. By contrast, I really don't know any women (aside from black women) who like black guys.

Also, a lot of the Asian students are extremely racist against black people, because they watch American movies, but they don't have any of that anti-discrimination stuff in their high schools since they're almost completely culturally and racially homologous.

EDIT: I was watching a documentary on some African village a couple years ago in which some villagers were moved to the US to get jobs so they could send money back to their village, but prior to leaving, all the other villagers were cautioning them to be careful around the American black people, so they didn't get robbed or assaulted.

EDIT2: Someone was just assaulted on my campus at knife-point last night, and now we're on the look out for a black male, roughly 6'2" and 185 lbs, with a khaki jacket and dark hoodie. What a terrible description!
Pretty much what BWMG said. Although Asians aren't racist against blacks because of american movies. They just feel they're stupid and culturally inferior. It's not as bad in Hong Kong because of the British presence for so long but when me and my two friends from Kenya went up to the mainland they got a lot of mean looks. However in Hong Kong my black friends didn't really have problems getting girls. Probably because the ones that speak English are usually the more tolerant ones anyway.
Well seeing as I don't like asian girls and I'm a white guy that still fits. However tbqh I can only think of two real life girls who stated or demonstrated a preference for them. Also quite a lot of women like men with blue eyes (and a minority like blond men like me), which puts a huge percentage of black men out of the equation.

Girls loooove blue eyes.

That's what I'm complemented on the most.
Go to Taiwan. The girls love white guys. Of course you're gonna have to learn some Mandarin.

Just ask girls: Ni xiang gan wo ma?

note: the x in xiang is like the sh sound except you pull your lips back almost like you're smiling to make more of a hissing sound. And the o in wo is like ah.
I can't pick up girls.

The thing is, that in general I'm real shy. And I'm worse with girls, because I always either a. think the worse will happen and she will call me a creepy weird dude, or think about asking them out, then I find out they have a boyfriend.
"Would you like to fuck me?"

Ni in a falling and then rising tone means "you". Xiang in a falling then rising tone means "would like or would like to etc." Gan in a falling tone means fuck. Wo in a falling then rising tone means I/me/my. And ma in a high flat tone is just a word you put at the end of a yes/no question.