The pics thread

id bang the one with fishnets

man...I couldn't help but look at your recently played list. There is no official song from Deadlock called "Kill Kill Kill", In "Seal Slayer" the official song they have the lyrics "Kill Kill Kill" in it. Same song.

But whatever...fuck those 2 chicks, I wouldn't bang either of them.
man...I couldn't help but look at your recently played list. There is no official song from Deadlock called "Kill Kill Kill", In "Seal Slayer" the official song they have the lyrics "Kill Kill Kill" in it. Same song.

But whatever...fuck those 2 chicks, I wouldn't bang either of them.
yeah is dumbass sometimes.
yeah is dumbass sometimes.

Yeah, that fucking fix the song title feature is fucking bs, sometimes, it'll change the band entirely, when you've actually never listened to it lol.

New hamster picture time.







And when I was putting these on the camera I found some pictures taken around Christmas. Here's one that includes me:

On the left is my mother. As you can see, I look terrible with glasses. The idiot in the hat and gym shorts is my brother, who refuses to wear anything but gym shorts. On the right is my aunt from Vermont.

Judging by recent trends, you guys will ask, so: the things behind me are windows, I'm sitting on a couch, and in the corners those things are speakers. The pointy thing that's wrapped up was a bottle of wine, not a dildo. I have a panda stocking on my lap and am wearing a Testament shirt.