The pope is about to croak

They'll just replace him with another pussy-fart who lives 25 years and accomplishes shit. I imagine the Vatican cardinals control everything anyway, he's as relevant as the Royal family.
Yeah, but I have no penance for the guy anyway, I think Catholics are the lowest form of Christianity, they worship MARY...
I never understood why they do that, their bible says "No, DON'T worship graven images" And technically, Mary counts as a "strange god."


Must go, going to LA to be in the audience for the Sharon Osbourne show.
The OTHER going down, not to be confused with going down on young boys, which he probably has aso. The cathoolick relijum is the most bass ackwards fucked up crooked thing on the planet, well Ted Kennedy is pretty close. I'm going to miss that pope mobile tho, so stylish. There is faith in action, having to ride around in a bullet proof car.