The "post pictures of your car" thread

i drive a VW golf from has passed the 200000 km and still running

Dude, that's practically next to nothing! Just and just broken in! :grin:

That must be Golf II then. Awesome cars, hard to wear them down...

Yep, they will last very long if you give them at least moderate attenttion every now and then, and will last long even if you don't! Sturdy buggers them older VWs.

I have my second Mk II now, bought it bit before christmas.

The first would've needed new brakes, suspension, exhaust and whatnot to pass the yearly inspection but I calculated it to cost me the same, if not less, if I just went and got a new (old) one. I had it for a couple of years, and did almost no repairs on it (looked like no-one else had done anything to it for the last decade either...) and it still worked like a charm. And it has well over 400000km on the meter. If my calculations aren't too off, I'd say somewhere between 500k and 600k more likely. Well, would have, as the meter has not been working for like ten years... :lol: And that's petrol engine (1.6L). I still have it, so I can scour parts for my "new" one.

My current has about 303k on the meter,also petrol and 1.6L, and apart from some bad gaskets and whatnot is pretty much as good as nearly 20 year old used car can be. :cool:

Both Golfs are from 1990.

I also have '83 Mk I Caddy diesel that has probably been to hell and back, twice. :lol: At least it looks like it has. :grin:

All in all, reliable rides, cheap to buy and maintain (at least around here), easy to fix, and spare parts are as cheap as ... cheap. Perfect car for a broke idiot like me. :lol:

Could post some pictures if I find any...
Mine, Hell Red VW Golf 2.0 TDI Sportline 140 CV.
This is my third Golf. I even had a 1980's GTI. The very first and original.

Loving the Golf appreciation dudes!
Here's my humble example:


That was afew weeks back in the Victorian alps. It was a pleasure to drive on roads like that. I didn't realise we had them in Oz.
I'd love to take it to a stree/ race spec, but there's no point due to the 1.8L. If only i had known about the VR6 when I was getting this one!
am I the only one who is 25 (or older) that doesn't have a drivers license?

I got mine when I was 17. I had to wait until I was 18 to actually receive the document, though.

On the other hand, I seldom drive and I don't own my own car.
am I the only one who is 25 (or older) that doesn't have a drivers license?

Finland is quite an exception. Because we have so good (compared to most of the world :P) public transportation, you don't need a licence/car most of the time. In US and southern europe, I'm sure it's quite impossible to live without a licence.

Even though I live in the northern parts of Finland with very poor crosstown traffic (ehe), I also only have a licence because my father offered it for me. If I was living on my own without financial support, I'm sure I wouldn't have a licence either. 1200 euros is simply too much for a commodity, when you can get a bus every 15 - 30 minutes to "anywhere".
1200 euros is simply too much for a commodity, when you can get a bus every 15 - 30 minutes to "anywhere".

THAT'S how much a DL costs, are you fucking kidding me?!?!? Wow, I'm sorry, but Finland can suck a dick, that's absurd (though at least you have good public trans, but still...)
THAT'S how much a DL costs, are you fucking kidding me?!?!? Wow, I'm sorry, but Finland can suck a dick, that's absurd (though at least you have good public trans, but still...)

It ain't much different here... How much runs one in the US (estimated)?

I had the minimum amount of necessary hours and still, in the end It was somewhere between 900 and 1200 Euro (can't remember what I paid exactly).

It depends on your drivers' school, but you're usually getting a fixed price for the theoretical part (200-300 € usually) no matter how long it actually takes you to pass (if it's not more than year) and the practical lessons are paid by the hour.

So that means, if you suck and fail the practical a few times, you're investing a little fortune.

A buddy failed 3 times at his practical, which means you're not allowed to do it for a few months, but he didn't do it at all again. It's been almost 5 years now, which means his theoretical ain't vaild anymore, too.

So he basically invested about 2000 € for nothing! :rolleyes:
Fuck dude, that's ridiculous - I dunno how much it is here, but I'd be surprised if it was more than $50! (at least in NY)

And I finally got my baby back today, good as new! I love this beast, and it's got a surprising amount of tug for a 2.0 I4 (DOHC at least)





Got her back in November for $6500 with 75k miles!