Old fart on this board
i drive a VW golf from 1990...it has passed the 200000 km and still running
Dude, that's practically next to nothing! Just and just broken in!

That must be Golf II then. Awesome cars, hard to wear them down...
Yep, they will last very long if you give them at least moderate attenttion every now and then, and will last long even if you don't! Sturdy buggers them older VWs.
I have my second Mk II now, bought it bit before christmas.
The first would've needed new brakes, suspension, exhaust and whatnot to pass the yearly inspection but I calculated it to cost me the same, if not less, if I just went and got a new (old) one. I had it for a couple of years, and did almost no repairs on it (looked like no-one else had done anything to it for the last decade either...) and it still worked like a charm. And it has well over 400000km on the meter. If my calculations aren't too off, I'd say somewhere between 500k and 600k more likely. Well, would have, as the meter has not been working for like ten years...

My current has about 303k on the meter,also petrol and 1.6L, and apart from some bad gaskets and whatnot is pretty much as good as nearly 20 year old used car can be.

Both Golfs are from 1990.
I also have '83 Mk I Caddy diesel that has probably been to hell and back, twice.

All in all, reliable rides, cheap to buy and maintain (at least around here), easy to fix, and spare parts are as cheap as ... cheap. Perfect car for a broke idiot like me.

Could post some pictures if I find any...