The "post pictures of your car" thread

Well seeing as how it's the name I have listed on facebook (and my first and last as my myspace URL), I wasn't too concerned ;)
Saculus, does your car say "Doom Patrol" on the side? That is fantastic.

Yup, and 666 on the bumper.

The insurance from this paid for it.
Damn, and I thought mine was bad! How'd it happen dude?
Well, two lane road that veers to the left with the lane I'm not in backed up for about a half mile due to construction. As I get to where the road curves someone who didn't see me at all decided to cross the double yellow line and make a U-turn. All I see is a white Buick pull directly out in front of me with no time to turn @ 40MPH the skid was like 12 feet long. If you look at the picture you see the indentation from the other car's front tire. I got a nice bruise from the seat belt and the air bag destroyed the uv coating on my glasses. The poor kid who pulled out was just trying to get his paycheck cashed and didn't see me when he "counted" the oncoming cars. He took full responsibility at the scene and now I have Doom Patrol.
My car dented his front fender and broke the front A arm. My car totaled, so I did the math and decided I'm getting too old for small cars. Hell my car has a more reinforced rear and front frame then stock crown vics. I'm really looking for a used cop charger when DP gives up the ghost. Its past 160K at the moment.
i drive a VW golf from has passed the 200000 km and still running

That must be Golf II then. Awesome cars, hard to wear them down... It's kinda ridiculous that I'd have to pay a lot more for insurance if I'd had a Golf instead of my Audi.

Golf II... yeah, good memories. Thinking about getting one with my brother at some point, ripping out the interior and setting it up for rally.

They're pretty lightweight, we used to do some stupid things with these cars back in the day.... like flying some 10 feet through the air. :lol: