The "post pictures of your car" thread


Thanks for your humble contribution Andy. Appreciated :D
About 2 months after I bought it someone rear ended me on the highway doing $4500 in damage to it when it had less than 3000km on it :/ Fucking sucks, as if a brand new car didn't lose enough resale to begin with. I blame drivers like Marcus :lol:

Hahaha, well yellow lights were really the only thing I got super-aggressive about, but I've definitely learned my lesson! :ill: And my car is really similar, an '02 Mazda Protege5 (5-door hatchback FTW, no one DARE call it a wagon :D)
At least we're not as bad as New Jersey drivers! (TOTALLY accidentally wrote "Jew Jersey" at first, glad I caught that one :lol: )

I remember driving in NY, holy shit. People are nuts. Cabs driving through tight streets knocking off side mirrors with out giving a shit. Everyone honking in a hurry to go nowhere. Aw man, never again. :lol:
I remember driving in NY, holy shit. People are nuts. Cabs driving through tight streets knocking off side mirrors with out giving a shit. Everyone honking in a hurry to go nowhere. Aw man, never again. :lol:

Hahahaha, well NYC cabs are a whole different story, those drivers seriously are maniacs! Also gotta watch out for the delivery boys on their bicycles, though there have been some pretty epic vaults when people open their car doors in front of them :lol:
Hahaha, well yellow lights were really the only thing I got super-aggressive about, but I've definitely learned my lesson! :ill: And my car is really similar, an '02 Mazda Protege5 (5-door hatchback FTW, no one DARE call it a wagon :D)

I drove a 1997 Ford Escort Wagon for a year before I got my Matrix and I was PROUD to call that bitch a Wagon!!! :kickass:

And for the record, the dude that rear ended me on the highway was driving a Protege5 :lol:
I drove a 1997 Ford Escort Wagon for a year before I got my Matrix and I was PROUD to call that bitch a Wagon!!! :kickass:

And for the record, the dude that rear ended me on the highway was driving a Protege5 :lol:

GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE...jesus christ, you and the old lady I hit should start a support group :lol:
Whoa now Marcus, don't be labeling all of us NJ drivers as shitty drivers! I'll admit, many are....mannnny. Nice WAGON of a car ya drive there by the way...:-P

'02 Civic for the win. Use to have an old hatchback until the head gasket blew.

Whoa now Marcus, don't be labeling all of us NJ drivers as shitty drivers! I'll admit, many are....mannnny. Nice WAGON of a car ya drive there by the way...:-P

Hahaha, yeah, I guess I was begging for that one :lol:

The front end of your particular car is fragile, trust me :erk: Looked like he drove into a house, my car looked fine at a quick glance but the exhaust system was mangled underneath.

Well in that case I don't feel so bad, cuz here's the aftermath of mine (I was able to drive away from the scene and the airbags didn't deploy, so it wasn't that bad)


Oh, and the radiator wasn't even damaged either