The "post pictures of yourself" Thread!

The cook and I

Thats me during my vacation to the awesome and beautiful country Finland! ;)
Trying to be serious and "cool":

Actually being cool in Utrecht/NL:

Looking like a happy idiot (I am the guy on the right):

BTW: am I the only one surprised by the amount of girlfriends/wives the guys on this board have? I mean, we are producers/engineers who are usually the nerdy types and usually don't get any girls ...
I said: Be sure to smile on the picture or else I kill your parents. worked. :)

hahahaha it worked :kickass:

Thats me during my vacation to the awesome and beautiful country Finland!

Hahaha @Notuern you look like me, as I made holiday in Norway with my Family..I was about 15 and I sweared, that will be the LAST holiday with Family :)

Here is me:

@Goddamn Guitar....has all people in sweden such unbelievable blue eyes?? Or is this Contact Lenses. Cool Pictures, dude :kickass: