The PPUsa chatroom is open now!

OMG! I love this place! Talking to DarkLawnGnome come to find out we met at the Agent Steel Cellador show in L.A. a while back!!

Such a small small world filled with wonderful PP fans!!!! :headbang:
Come on over for the sunday chat again! Damn, the festival is getting SO close now, this will most likely be my last sunday chat before the festival because I leave for my trip in 3 days already :)
I will be there for sure! Hope lots of people will stop in with the festival soooo close. Safe travels, Aki! Can't wait to see you again!

Edit: Great chat tonight!!! Lots of excitement and great info for PPVI. One more on deck for next Sunday, but come in any time. Always a lot of good talk from PP buddies and great chance to make plans and meet new friends before the big event!
It's Sunday and time for the last "official" chat before we all descend on Atlanta. So hope to see lots of people in the chat tonight.
Alright so everyone feel free to pop up at the chatroom and share your post-PP thoughts with others :) Thanks again to everyone who gave me positive feedback about starting the chatroom at the festival!
Kaosaur said:
Haha, we'll still be there all year till next time....:p
That's for sure. Since the Mercenary chat was very smooth a few weeks back I'll definitely try arrange a few more band chats next year, I did have a couple more in the plans this year but suddenly it was festival time already :)