The Priest are back! Some NA Tour dates

mëtålspëd;8122972 said:
Please tell em you have seen the 'snake dvd with Doug Aldrich and Reb Beach? Its a slice of awesome (And just so happens to also feature Tommy Aldridge on drums).
I've seen this lineup play live and they kick butt! 11.5/10 :headbang::kickass:
I agree...can't STAND the latest priest cd...however..the new Whitesnake with Doug Aldrich does the new Uriah Heep..oh well I guess if that happens, I can do what I did last year for the Metal Masters tour..go and see Heep and Snake and leave before Priest comes on...(last year I saw H&H and left during Priest).

I've never been a big Whitesnake fan, but that their current lineup is certainly filled with stellar musicians. As for the Heepsters, the latest is pure heaven, I never thought I'd hear something that good from them again.

Shameless plug: see my review at for Heep's latest
Think about it.
Priest are playing the Summer US festival circuit.
No way will they be playing Nostradamus live.
The majority of the crowds will be festival goers who want to hear the hits only.
Priest most likely won't be doing all of Nostradamus for awhile and I think when they will do it will be select "one night only" type of shows. I am pretty sure this summer they will be playing hits. Their current set list on Priest Feast is the same from from last summer and while I hope they change it a little it is still a great set. I also read today that next year Priest will be playing British Steel in its entirety to celebrate 30 years since its release.
British Steel isn't happening on this tour, it's next year.

But Priest just posted this on their MySpace page:

To celebreate the 30th anniversary of our album 'BRITISH STEEL' we are very pleased to announced we will be performing the whole album in its entirety during our US 2009 Summer Tour plus some other Priest classics!!!

This is 2009, is it not?
I will be at the show in Missouri for sure, I am pretty sure Whitesnake is opening. I can picture them giving Priest a run for their money too.

Dude, I've seen Priest 3x...Whitesnake could never hold a candle to thier live show. Granted thier good and I'd be there in a heart beat my self if they come to Michigan.
Yeah, they just said British Steel in its entirety (plus other classics!) for the 2009 US festival run, more dates are to be added, lets hope for some MI dates (or nearby) Purple Crayon!
Yeah, they just said British Steel in its entirety (plus other classics!) for the 2009 US festival run, more dates are to be added, lets hope for some MI dates (or nearby) Purple Crayon!

I can't imagine they'd add Whitesnake, promote British Steel in its entirety, but keep the U.S. tour to such a small number of dates. I gotta hope they'll hit Chicago, Detroit, Indy, or some other relatively accessible city.

what happened to the supposed Whitesnake headlining tour Coverdale said they were going to do in 2009?