The Project Hate (new song)


Oct 17, 2002
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New song from upcoming album below. Album mixed by Dan.

"Dan Swanö. We can't really express our gratitude as much as he deserves. Sure, we pay him and all that shit, but the work he's doing for us... The endless assistance during the recordings when something fucks up... Dan is king. Or queen, depending on yer mood. It's not easy working with us, it's not easy to make everything audible with our records... We are a bit more than your average guitar/bass/drums/vocals band. It feels like we are not paying him enough some times. Once again he's done an outstanding job and we are most thankful. Can't wait to record our next album, but that feels a little too early to talk about right now." (

Edited mp3:

Downloadable cover:

Sounds awesome as always and Jörgens vocals and the solo kicks ass.
Would like to hear a longer version since this edited version sounds kind of incomplete. Looking forward to the album.
I can wait three months aspecialy for a masterpiece
I hope it's better than AME...cause AME rocked so fucking hard
I'm still not tired of it after 2 years...i listen to it a lot on the way to uni
Yeah, as mentioned - we can't really express our gratitude to the extent Swanö deserves when it comes to this album. It's always a pleasure to work with Dan, a guy I have known since the early 90's...

Releasedate is September, yes. No exact date yet though.

Also, as Tumn said, the song is a remix. What you hear is about 1/4th of the actual tune. And naturally we have saved the best parts for the release.

About it being better than "AME"? Every band says their latest album is the best. Every band also says that every band says that their latest album is the best, but they really mean it.

This album is one hour of the best music I have ever heard.


Again, thanx Dan. You have done an amazing job, again.
I get chills already...good chills
the kind of chills that make me wanna make some sweet loving to jesus
being jewish gives me that prorogative:lol: