The Questions for Danny Thread!

caligo said:
Danny, what's your personal opinion on "Sunset of Age"? I, personally, consider it the strongest track on TSE, but I seem to be the only one..
i agree mate - we discussed it quickly once tho - there's this bit in the middle (the dramatic bit) that shouldve been extended... perhaps a Sundown of the Ages (revisited version) eh? eh? eh? ;) ;) ;)
pagan2002 said:
excuse me but peole always want to believe their own truth. when a mind is truly opened, when the ego and normal thought processes are left far behind, then it can reach another place, and underworld if you like. the entities that exist in the different planes in our universe can be sensed, and that has nothing whatsoever to do with paranioa. it is pure science. when the truth is finally discovered (if ever) it will mean that science has opened up enough to cover everything.
the future and the past all exist right now.
that is science according to einstein.
now take that thought further and further and you can begin to sense the magnitude of what we are dealing with here. i heard recently that 2 thirds of the matter in space cannot be seen by humans. it is this dark matter (or antimatter) that can hold the key to our next level of understanding. it is beyond our shroud of (false) vision but it is there. mick was onto something when he said his mates dog has no idea who clive burr is. as for thats what they are. pure fucking science mate. as for chaos...
god, according to einstein,
does not play dice.

read "the wisdom of the wyrd" by brian bates
and "the bible code" by michael drosnin.

no one knows for sure, right?
good thread this.:flame: :Saint:

That's a very qabalistic point of view. I always knew Anathema had brains!