the quotes that could have changed history


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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i posted that in the nevermore forum as well, but i thought you guys might like it as well:

i already made a thread called: "the quotes who made the norwigian black metal"
and i told you, me and my friends can be bored sometimes, and we will find ourself "playing" silly metal games.
(i personally blame it on the great Brandy we had that night)

so here's another one:
these are NOT real quotes, but they could have changed hostory as we know it...
:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
feel free to add some of your own.


“guys I swear, no more alcohol for me, really.”
(Dave Mustain prevents the world from listening to out-of-tune songs and vocals)

"Maybe we should fix that horrible sound first, and then we can record"
(Lemmy from Motorhead, prevents Thrash metal from being born)

“It sounds like a nazi song to me, lets not put it on our album”
(Jeff Hanneman cancels the release of “Angel Of Death” and ruins the joke about Nazi Slayer)

“fuck, my stomach hurts, I think ill stay home tonight”
(Varg on the 10th of August, 1993, a minute before he leaves the house with a knife in his hand and goes for a LONG night in the toilet)

“I don’t know.. to sing about satan sounds pretty dumb to me, lets sing about girls and motorcycles like everyone”
(Cronos from Venom, kills the beginning of Black Metal)

“im sorry, but I cant join any other bands, I prefer to focus on my band at the moment”
(Steve Dgiorgio refuses the offer from Autopsy to play as a bass player in their album and to become the biggest bass-whore in the history of thrash metal)

“Roby, I see your bike seat is a bit tight, tomorrow I’ll buy you a new one”
(Rob Halford’s daddy)

“oh gosh Charles, if you want to have a rock band at least learn how to sing”
(Jane Shuldiner, 1983, Tampa, Florida)

dear, lets not go to the theater today, I hate Shakspere anyways
(Lincoln, the day he died)

well, you got the point :Smokin:

“im sorry, but I cant join any other bands, I prefer to focus on my band at the moment”
(Steve Dgiorgio refuses the offer from Autopsy to play as a bass player in their album and to become the biggest bass-whore in the history of thrash metal)

Thats The Best..............DL!.............You made my day!...................:worship:
“wtf, you’ve never heard about 4/4 ? we wanna play like Metallica not like some frinkin’ Jazz band!”
(the guitarist (back then the singer too) of Meshugah to their drummer in 1989)

“oh bloody hell, im not doing this, bat heads are disgusting”
(Ozzy Osbourne )

"Your absoutely right MindInsane, I don't know what I was thinking, I respect you even more now, I think I'm on the rag, and could you please stuff a tampon in my mouth, I deserve it, I've been a bad, bad boy, Oh, and Opeth rules, you have great taste in music, thats way beyond my mere mortal comprehension, and I don't deserve you as a close friend......And did I tell you.....your the best.....lately.... well you are!"

(Quote By DeadlyEmbrace on Jan 6th 2004...2:07 AM.....Flames himself.......instead of MindInsane..........:( )
"oh no ... i don't like horrors ... think i'll watch some romantic comedy 2nite ... or German musical"
(someday in preNew Order era .... Chuck Billy to himself on a thought of watching "Childreen of the corn")
soulflypl said:
"oh no ... i don't like horrors ... think i'll watch some romantic comedy 2nite ... or German musical"
(someday in preNew Order era .... Chuck Billy to himself on a thought of watching "Childreen of the corn")
Change that name to Steve Souza, he's the one who wrote the lyric's, inspired by that movie..........;)
soulflypl said:
hey wait!
i don't got NO ... but i got FSSD here ...and DOTW is also there ...and it says "lyrics:Billy" ... now i am puzzled ... (???)
After doing the research, I am wrong.......I thought wrong, and admitt my mistake, to err is human.........And I'll be the first to admitt, I do make mistakes........Sometimes that is......:erk: .......Back to the thread....

"Oh hell, I don't have any clean panties, oh well no one will ever notice that I'm not wearing any"
(Sharon Stone, on the morning that she filmed The Interrogation scene in Basic Instinct......)
No problemo DE!

Sorry for off topic, but looking through FSSD booklet i've read that you did some singing there - do you remember in which songs?(the booklet doesn't say that)

ok and back to the thread,

"no, thank you, i will never use those"
(Bill Clinton - when offered a cigar for the first time in his life)
soulflypl said:
No problemo DE!

Sorry for off topic, but looking through FSSD booklet i've read that you did some singing there - do you remember in which songs?(the booklet doesn't say that)
Well if you call Background Vocals Singing, then yes I did, that was so fun let me tell you, we were in the studio, with headphones on, & Chuck was in the middle, and giving us the ques of when to come in, and all the backgrounds of my favorite old Testament songs....... Was an experience I'll never forget.......I also sang some backgrounds on Bonded By Blood's re-release(live tracks), that was a blast also.........

Back To The Thread:

"No Cliff, I'll Pick first if you don't mind"..... as Kirk pulls an ace of spades from the card deck.........
(Kirk is designated the top bunk, on the tour bus, & later after Kirk's passing, Dave Mustaine is back in the band, and they continue to put out great fast & heavy albums)
"No Cliff, I'll Pick first if you don't mind"..... as Kirk pulls an ace of spades from the card deck.........
(Kirk is designated the top bunk, on the tour bus, & later after Kirk's passing, Dave Mustaine is back in the band, and they continue to put out great fast & heavy albums)[/QUOTE]

That's some funny shit Mr Embrace brother.

Here's a good quote...

Yes I inhaled.

"Hey Bon you look like your gonna pass out Mate, come over here I just scored an 8 Ball of some Coke, we'll party all night long and straight through tomarrow!"

(Bon Scott goes into a Coke binge, instead of passing out drunk.......inside his car, outside of the party, and dying.........And AC/DC lives on with Bon!)
Rick Mate you look pretty pissed (drunk) maybe you shouldnt drive
home tonight

-Said to Rick Allen night he lost arm in car cash

Steve mate, don't you think you've had one too many bottles of vodka?
Christ mate, you might die


Vince, you're drunk dude, don't take Razzle with you to the store

-Tommy Lee