The quotes that made the Norwigian Black Metal


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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this is something me and my friends did (yes, we are bored, and we like it!!)

true quotes, people!

"Our Tour will be a feast of evil! we will play with an evil metal band from England, Cradle of Filth, probably we will masacare some animals on stage too"
(Ishan from Emperor before their first tour in 1994)

"When we were little kids, we used to chase after old women in the street wearing corpse paint and we talked like we;re from hell to people on the phone"
(Immortal share childhood memories to Terrorizer in 1999)

"i dont give a shit about Undergroud! do you really expect me to sit all day and write letters? "
(Satyr from Satyricon)

"lets just say we dont like black people in our music"
(Hellhammer, Mayhem's drummer, and a proud morrocan)

"Yeah Fucking Evil!!"
(The American audience go wild in Immortal's show in the States, when Abot asks the soundman to raise the Volum and spoke Norwigian by mistake"

"what do i think about Dead in Mayhem? well, what can you possibly say about someone who can starve himself to death for days, just to see how his body will look like? i've always wanted someone like that in my band"
(Euronymous, interview in 1988!!!)

"i hope that a lot of people will hate me after this interview and take it personal.
people suppose to hate us, after all, we have never meant to form a band that people will like"
(Euronumous confesses, interview from 1992)

"i think its a big turn on to walk down the street and kick little kids"
(Burzum, 1992, )

"Dead used to burry his clothes under ground 3 days before the show so they will smell like dirt, on stage he used to keep a bag with a dead crow, and once in a while he used to smell it, just to smell death"
(Hellhammer describes the preperations to their show in Leipzig)

Q: are you proud to be the new bass player for Mayhem?
A: "yes, im proud like a goat!"
(Varg, interview from 1992)

"Problem with most Norwigian bands is that their singer sounds like Popay"
(Cronos from Venom shares his thoughts in 1999)

"those stupid people have to be scared of black metal! instead they go and listen to shit like Deicide, napalm Death, Sepultura and all that shit!"
(Eronymous to a live interview)

well, i have some more, but feel free to look in old magazines and search for some more quotes that made the BLACK METAL!

lets live for satan, hear hear!
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Dead_Lioness said:
"Our Tour will be a feast of evil! we will play with an evil metal band from England, Cradle of Filth, probably we will masacare some animals on stage too"
(Ishan from Emperor before their first tour in 1994)

"Problem with most Norwigian bands is that their singer sounds like Popay"
(Cronos from Venom shares his thoughts in 1999)

"those stupid people have to be scared of black metal! instead they go and listen to shit like Deicide, napalm Death, Sepultura and all that shit!"
(Eronymous to a live interview)
:tickled: :lol: :tickled:
Dead_Lioness said:
"i think its a big turn on to walk down the street and kick little kids"
(Burzum, 1992, )

"Dead used to burry his clothes under ground 3 days before the show so they will smell like dirt, on stage he used to keep a bag with a dead crow, and once in a while he used to smell it, just to smell death"
(Hellhammer describes the preperations to their show in Leipzig)
:lol: :headbang: :lol:

Thanks lioness. I was having a bad day till I saw these.
why the hell anyone would like extreme black metal is anyones guess.

I mean, you'd have to be pretty fucked up.