The Ramones are the worst band ever.

Yogota said:
Nobody ever considered REAL Punk Lyrics to be "smart" and "teh ubar", Mr. Disciple of Plato. And there are way crappier bands.. like? Slipknot, KoRn, Mudvayne, Puddle of Mudd, HIM, Pop Bands and - of course - Insane Clown Posse.

And if you wanna know how good Ramones can sound in Metal-style: Children of Bodom - Somebody put Something in my Drink. Huzzah. \m/*_*\m/

Why'd you put HIM there? They are pretty good, and certainly like none of hte bands you listed.
Wow, this turned out to be a lot more humorous than I ever expected...

I don't see any reason why I should have to do this since this in fact a message board, but it appears I have no other choice because of all the simple-minded individuals who are a little too vulnerable and easily-offended to realize the fallacy of what I'm saying: People, seriously, THIS IS AN ONLINE MESSAGE BOARD, NONE OF WHAT I POST HERE UNDER THE PSEUDONYM "DISCIPLEOFPLATO" IS MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY! My word is not gospel, it is merely the aimless ranting of an extremely bored cynic on a restless Thursday night, and an ONLINE MESSAGE BOARD, no less. Fucking christ, I want to apologize, but then I return my senses and realize that an apology is pointless. Why? For the slow, Allow me to reiterate, because it's an ONLINE MESSAGE BOARD, and because quite frankly, I don't care, and you shouldn't either. Nobody forced you to read my post, and if you happened to stumble upon it, disagreed with the subject, knew that you might be offended but insisted on reading it anyway, were offended, and decided to break down and analyze why you were offended and how much of an asshole you think I am in a somewhat lengthy, pretentious post, then you have just wasted your time. Tell someone who gives a shit, or better yet, get over it.

Now then, should I have just been more subtle and open-minded and accept the fact that people have different tastes and that liking The Ramones does not necessarily indicate stupidity? Yes, but it's more fun to judge people, especially with all of the innocuous, poorly-written angry responses I get back. For the record, Joey Ramone was a shithead, and I'm glad he's dead. Still offended? Good, keep 'em coming. :)

Does using an online alias make me impervious to my own ignorance, and does it simultaneously make me impregnable to your insults? Why yes, yes it does. :grin:
What kind of logic is that? One can be a total asshole because they are posting on a lowly internet board? Jesus man, you need to apologize because you are still totally out of line. Its one thing to have an opinion, and to even be a jerk about it, but to be arrogant enough to believe you can be a total prick, and then be a even bigger prick because internet boards are beneath you, is just too much for me. Even Dying Sun/Planetary Eulogy didnt have that big of an ego.
What kind of logic is that? One can be a total asshole because they are posting on a lowly internet board? Jesus man, you need to apologize because you are still totally out of line. Its one thing to have an opinion, and to even be a jerk about it, but to be arrogant enough to believe you can be a total prick, and then be a even bigger prick because internet boards are beneath you, is just too much for me. Even Dying Sun/Planetary Eulogy didnt have that big of an ego.

Please Speed, spare me your trite politically correct bullshit. Hell, I'm in accordance with everything you accept as appropriate. Think about it, I have an opinion(that The Ramones suck and that they should all die), and I've expressed it(perhaps being a jerk about it), only to receive a multitude of various replies bashing my views and calling me an asshole, all because of my lowly opinion of a particularly popular band. This is all fine, of course, but then when I reply back with equally resentful words, I get labeled a childish dickhead. Great biased logic on your part, by the way. Then again, I guess it can only be expected from somebody who would expect credibility from an argument such as "The Ramones know they have no musical talent, but they have something to say- It's the spirit of punk!" Okay, honestly, if you have no musical talent, then DON'T TRY TO PLAY MUSIC! It's as simple as that. They have something to say? Alright sure well of course they have something to say, they have A LOT of shit to say, considering they have 14 different albums, each with no less than 16 different-tracks minimum, each track being no more than 2 and a half minutes long, and each track containing lyrics from a variety of meaningful subjects ranging from vegetables that produce feelings of longing for a loved one(no joke) and "boppin' til you drop"(whatever the hell that means). You're definitely correct there Speed, I have to hand it to you, especially since talking total shit constitutes having something to say. I guess such a generic rule-of-thumb must've slipped my mind, along with that other rule that states I can't be a prick whenever I want to because I'd be out of line. You know what, I guess Joey Ramone and I aren't so different after all, since we both have something to say, only he died oh-so-woefully of cancer and I'm still alive. I sincerely hope, since he had so much time, that he managed to get his message out before his death, and I suppose he did, considering all of the timeless inspiration he's provided for our wonderful "punk rock" subculture youth. You know what, I'm going to get off my ass and do something like Joey Ramone did, because I have things to say as well. Next time I see a kid wearing a Ramones shirt, I'll be sure to walk right up to him and punch him in the neck, just out of spite. When he asks me why I did it, I'll tell him that it was because I had something to say, and that even though I possess no knowledge or logic as to what I am doing, I have the right do so simply because it's the "asshole" spirit. It'll be a revolt, a break from conventional social behavior. I think my ideas rule. If only Joey Ramone would've thought of this!
I haven't heard the Ramones, so I can't comment, although i can say that I tend to hate all these bands that take 'THE' in their name


The Hives
The Vines
The Strokes
The White Stripes
The Ramones
The Coral

etc. I don't necessarily hate their music (although I probably would if I heard any of it), I just hate their shitty names!

In the last post I was not complaining about your hatrted of the Ramones, but the fact that you said it was ok to be a total prick, becuase this board is stupid and unimportant and beneath you. By making this statement , you are effectively saying everyone on this board is not important- and you are better than us- you are beyond reproach.

For the record, i dont care for the Ramones, but I think one has to put the band in a certain musical context- that is they were the first big American punk band, and they have been influential. sucks ass..i cant get used to it..


theres nothing wrong with the ramones!
lmao disciple of eggo, calm down bro. dont even waste your breath ranting to these humanoids. they dont know good music if they were getting anul raped by it. i dunno about um as a whole. cus theirs certaions forums i enjoy. however general discussion is full of the most elitist anul retentive pricks you'll ever have the displeasure of coming across. no sense in arguing with them. once you argue with them you fall into their trap. their bored lonely teenage virgins who have nothing better to do that create debate when debate is not needed. ramones suck fag cock. the end. joey ramone looks like howard stern on shrooms. punk rock fucking blows. like bruce dickerso said. punk rock is heavy metal done wrong. i cant stand punk bitches with their lame ass mohawks thinking their so damn fucking unique. i can listen to nofx. just because their lyrics are fucking so dumb i laugh. other than that punk is as horrible as rap. speed... dont get so defensive. word of advice. listen to disciple of cheetoh he speaks knowledge. dont get so offended. let joey ramone rest. he's already been through enough. hell 50 yrs of looking like the elephant man. now let the man lie!!!
First off, AllWithinMyMonster, eat me. I'm not even going to attempt to read your post. Consider taking a course in english before ever posting here again, however, I'll be generous enough to give you your first lesson: "lmao" is not a proper acronym. The second I saw this, my idiot detector went off, don't try it again. And it's way past your bedtime, go to sleep.

In the last post I was not complaining about your hatrted of the Ramones, but the fact that you said it was ok to be a total prick, becuase this board is stupid and unimportant and beneath you. By making this statement , you are effectively saying everyone on this board is not important- and you are better than us- you are beyond reproach.

For the record, i dont care for the Ramones, but I think one has to put the band in a certain musical context- that is they were the first big American punk band, and they have been influential.

Speed, it appears this might've been just a simple misunderstanding. Not once did I mention that this board or anyone on it is beneath me. I don't know anybody on this board personally, and until I do, I'm not quite justified in saying their beneath me, am I? If I worded this incorrectly, then I apologize, but I really don't think I did. The only comment I made is that what is posted here should not be taken with a great degree of significance, ESPECIALLY what I myself post. Quite frankly, the reason I enjoy posting and debating here so much is because this is one of the few boards on the net that doesn't include a long, pointless list of equally pointless rules. The main reason I post here is for fun. This is the only board where I can call everyone a shithead and make jokes about Joey Ramone's death and get away with it. It's a privilege to me, really, and one I very much enjoy. Therefore, expect me to utilize this privilege to its absolute FULLEST extent, and also realize that it should NEVER be taken too seriously. This is the last and final time I will take the liberty to say this, because honestly, I'm growing tired of reiterating on it. I hope this clears things up for you.
Ok so it may be the wine talking but I hafta agree with Disciple on this one...not that the Ramones should get cancer and die (being a shitty band shouldn't be a death sentence) but the fact that all he did was voice his opinion, and he was viciously attacked for it. Personally I'm damn sick of all this politically correct shyt. Just cause his opinion seems offensive to most people doesn't make it less valid than anyone elses opinion.
speed said:
For the record, i dont care for the Ramones, but I think one has to put the band in a certain musical context- that is they were the first big American punk band, and they have been influential.

And this is exactly why you don't get it. There's absolutely NOTHING worse in the entire history of music than an influential band that sucks ass. And The Ramones were one of the most influential bands ever, and they definetly sucked major ass. Watch MTV. Skip over all of the non-music programs, rap, anything close to decent, and pop. What do you have left? Ramones Clones. Sucks, doesn't it? Don't you wish metal could reach a bigger audience, just so people could hear this amazing music that you love? Too bad, because The Ramones shit all over that, just because they "had something to say."
lol ok so lol this thread is gay lol and uhhh i think that the ramones are shitty lol ok they blow haha lol fuck the ramones omg those bastards raped my sweet little puppy tike and they beat his cute little ribs and then i was like omg wtf the ramones are bastards yeah those assholes need to get what's coming to them ugly dog raping shitlickers you know what i'm sayin lol
Ok fine I accept your explanation Disciple, but next time be a little more persuasive. You dont have to go nuts with grand proclamations etc.

As for the Ramones, as Ive said, I dont really care for them, nor do I think they have much talent, but they are an important band. There isnt much one can do about bands being influenced by a shitty band. God help us, if metal bands become influenced by St Anger etc.

Im blathering now, but isnt it weird how many musically shitty bands are regarded as Rock legends? How some of these bands ever made it to be legends makes one wonder about music. I mean bands like the shondelles , have made the rock and roll hall of fame, and black sabbath is excluded. Those lists i see every month of greatest rock albums, get worse and worse.
The Ramones & The Sex Pistols both had attitude, which was an influence on the bands that came after them. To say that they were musical influences though? I think both of those bands were/are overhyped & if they weren't there at the right place at the right time, they would have been overlooked like the rest of the bands in their genre. Most of the material from the Ramones sounds like the same track...
I must admit Motorhead appears to be using the same formula as the The Ramones, but they at least have some clever lyrics & they display their musicianship. I think the only area that the band is lacking is in the vocal department, but Lemmy is like a blues singer stuck in a metal band. Well, enough wasting valuable time on those damn Ramones. Fuck 'em.