The worst band of all time!


Nov 29, 2002
You can pick any band, whether it be metal or not. Also, try and explain why you don't like a band rather than just saying "Oh cuz they sux" or something stupid to that effect. Here we go:

Biohazard: wanna-be tough bastards with a cheesy "I'm so hardcore" image and sound.
Easily Kill Switch Engage.. this is the band that ruined both Hypocrisy concerts for me (two times) In Flames, Dark Tranqulity, and they are so fucking annoying. There music is the worst shit ever and the band looks like a bunch of idioits with bad hair cuts.
I have another one...
Coal Chamber. Here's why:
Three chord drop d-tuning "chug chug" riffage.
I have seen them almost five times since they've opened for just about every good band out there.
The bad hair and makeup/clothing.
All of you spelt "Cradle of Filth" wrong....

Anyway they suck because of;

A) Dani Filth
B) Lame Melodies
C) Dani Fitlh's Ego
D) Dani Filth Being A British Homosexual
E) Did I mention the entire band also being British? They all have Elton John syndrome.

And I'm sure I could pull a few more reasons out of my ass with time, but my hatred for them exceeds that of Nu-Metal.
Originally posted by manuelgv
isn't Adrian Erlandson on drums in CoF?
he's swedish

If that's Uncle Fester than no. He's not. He's in Dummy Burger, not Cradle of Faggotry anymore.

He's also in Lock-up, and actual good band!
Worst band one is tough. There are just SO many bad metal bands, not to mention other types ofmusic, that you really can't base this on music quality alone. COF is horribly gay...but I can think of worse...damn it could be Korn, honestly, for me. They were basically the heralds of this blasphemous term "nu-metal". I'd rather have people calling gay hair bands like Poison metal than some urbanized low-rider worthy crap like that. I'm listening to Sad Wings of Destiny right now. This is metal. This has nothing in common with Korn.
the fat guy was nick
the new drummer(not new) is the ex ATG ex The Haunted
and he kicks major ass
the only good thing CoF has is Adrian
Originally posted by Wandrail
Worst band one is tough. There are just SO many bad metal bands, not to mention other types ofmusic, that you really can't base this on music quality alone. COF is horribly gay...but I can think of worse...damn it could be Korn, honestly, for me. They were basically the heralds of this blasphemous term "nu-metal". I'd rather have people calling gay hair bands like Poison metal than some urbanized low-rider worthy crap like that. I'm listening to Sad Wings of Destiny right now. This is metal. This has nothing in common with Korn.

I'm not sure, scientists recently discovered Dani Filth releases almost as many homosexuals vibes as Christopher Lowell.....
Originally posted by manuelgv
the fat guy was nick
the new drummer(not new) is the ex ATG ex The Haunted
and he kicks major ass
the only good thing CoF has is Adrian

Ok, I wouldn't know because I don't care about them.

Anyway why'd that drummer degrade himself like that? :nono:
well CoF,tho they are bad,are nothing like Metallica
CoF are bad and I don't like them but they are not the worst thing ever
when they came out they changed a few things,until it got very boring
Originally posted by manuelgv
well CoF,tho they are bad,are nothing like Metallica
CoF are bad and I don't like them but they are not the worst thing ever
when they came out they changed a few things,until it got very boring

Ok.. maybe I made the wrong comparison. but let's say this, people said Newsted with his amazing bass playing would always be that way, but Metallica broguht him down, i'm saying that could happen to that drummer.

Anyway i hope Voivod works out for Newsted
Newsted was a very bad replacement for Burton
everyone knew that the next bass player couldn't do what Cliff did
so,having a lot of expectations in Newsted wasn't a good choice
Originally posted by manuelgv
Newsted was a very bad replacement for Burton
everyone knew that the next bass player couldn't do what Cliff did
so,having a lot of expectations in Newsted wasn't a good choice

But still, he could've done alot better than he did do with them. Just look at his Flotsam & Jetsam work and tell me they shouldn't have been able to do better....
I'll say that I respect Newsted a lot more now for leaving Metallica and going straight back to his roots. Joining Voivod won't make him famous again, so you have to respect the fact that's he's doing it for the music now. It can almost make you forgive his staying with Metallica in the post-Black album years.

Anyway, the one band that always comes up in my head when I'm posed this question is Manowar. These guys are so fucking embarassing to metal in general. If outsiders look at them and think that's what metal's all about, I wouldn't blame them for making fun of a metalhead. They are completely laughable in every aspect of their career, especially lately.
There's a couple of bands that make me want to go out,track down where they live and kill.
At The fucking Drive In,Stinkin Fart,Disturbed,Mudvayne,Creed,Godsmack,The Strokes,Pearl Jam,Megadeth,One Dollar Short,Powder Finger to name a few.
Why?Because i hate what they stand for.What motivates them.And they make awfull,pretentious,crap music that i really HATE.