The "Random Bullshit" Thread

dont let me start getting to rant about the german educational system

So the country that gave us so many great composers does not have music classes at school?

I can respect schools for concentrating on English, Maths and Science because if you look at the workforce most of the high paying jobs require it and it's in the best interest of the country to become prosperous and compete against the rest of the world.

There is no point getting the majority of kids learning the arts to become jobless.

In New Zealand a political figure was rallying for indigenous children to learn cultural subjects and a Maori opponent was pretty pissed off saying something like,

Yeah right, you want to teach white kids how to use computers and you want our kids learning how to make wooden trinkets instead?

well, we do have lessons. but they are just for nothing. you maybe learn to analyze music (if you are willing to get into it). but doing music yourself hardly happens.
i am not even talking about the fact that you either have arts or music and not both.
in my class we didnt have music anymore from grade 10 (until the end, grade 13) anymore because there were just 4 people willing to do musics and you´d need like 13.5 pupils to make a class happen -.-
i am not even talking about the fact that you either have arts or music and not both.

Over here it was similar depending on the school. I was able to go to a school outside my zone because I wanted to do physics and economics and the local school had a timetable where you could not do both.

in my class we didnt have music from grade 10 (until the end, grade 13) because there were just 4 people willing to do music and you´d need like 13.5 pupils to make a class happen -.-

It's similar here too.

When I did get to go to my school of choice, there were about 10 people in the physics class in year 11 and by year 12 (final year, we don't count one year of kindergarten) they dropped out and then there were 3. I topped the form in physics, lol.

There were 4 in our Engineering Science class (three the same as in my physics class surprisingly).

We had 36 students total for the whole of year 12 so many dropped out. 11 male the rest female.

With such small classes it was great and made studying easier. It's not the case anymore that particular school got much more popular since I left.

yeah there's a minimum for that. In my highschool, a "maatschappijleer" (social sciences) class (2e fase still existed at that time) got canceled because only 1 person would partake (on a total of 90+ students divided over 3 VWO classes). The person in question eventually filed a complaint because he wanted to do the class no matter what, and I believe he won so they had to change the whole timetable just for that one person.

I had arts (5 years) crafts (1 year) technical-class (2 years) and music (3 years) in my highschool days (I spend 6 years there in total)
Arts was mainly drawing class, with some theoretical content in the later years but it was all way too "artsy" and stuff for my liking
Crafts was jus screwing around with glue, wood and a total waste of time
same for Technical-class, which basically was a more grown-up version of Crafts.
Music was pointless, a bit of singing and a small amount of composing, but the first year we learned how to read notes (but due to extensive flute and violin and viola studies, I could already do that :rofl:). So it was all a half-assed attempt at teaching us about "the arts".

And don't get me started on CKV...
thirteen and a half? :p lol

yeah seriously, I saw that written down in the rules for when courses take place...

The thing was that in the whole year we were like 67 people - but all took either arts or literature (...and I still wonder whatcreating a short-film has to do with literature...LOL) -.-
well, I moved to Finland and on Sunday will be moving back to Germany...oh and I became a mod, old and ugly, fat sorry...i am in a sarcastic mood -.-´
...maybe I am not into being in a band?...LOL
I prefer the pure cello sound, alone ;))
I did´n´t have an option, had to move back -.- it´s not the way that I wanted to return to Germany. definetely not -.-
...then I´d first need to find it...and at least until 2014 this chairlift basically doesnt exist -.-´