The "Random Bullshit" Thread

Alrighty Cari, since we are your best internet buddies here, and we do care about you, feel free (but not pressured) to tell us what is on your mind. Maybe you can unload some of your burden.

Just remember what my grandfather said . . . and he said in Romanian, but I will make an effort to translate: " be not overly rejoyced by your present successes and be not overly saddened by your current failures, for they shall all be eclipsed in the future by bigger successes and bigger failures".

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
i am just frustrated that nothing really works. firstly I am sick and tired of being in germany. then my photos from the sonata gig just sick when it comes to my point of view. then i have such loads to do. then everyone says he/she/it would know how I feel about being back in germany, plus I seem to have some tag on my forehead saying "do communicate much with me" which definetely isnt the case atm -.-´
I'm sorry to hear life isn't treating you so well, Cari. But still, hope you could see the bright side of the situation. You GOT to live in Finland for a while, you DID go to the Sonata Arctica gig and so on. I've never managed either of those and highly doubt I ever will. I'm really hope life will get better and better for you soon, though. Just don't be upset. :)
i am just frustrated that nothing really works. firstly I am sick and tired of being in germany. then my photos from the sonata gig just sick when it comes to my point of view.

Like Stonewoman said look on the bright side you went to the gig and that is more important than a photo of it.

It irks me to see so many people neglecting shows and concentrating on their mobile phones while ruining the view for everyone else, same with tourists who live their journey with a handycam stuck to their eyeballs.

then i have such loads to do. plus I seem to have some tag on my forehead saying "do communicate much with me" which definetely isnt the case atm -.-´

It's better than having nothing to do and it sounds like you could do with a bit of communication atm.

Erhhhm, sorry, but it is my JOB to take good photos, otherwise I´d not be allowed to attend and be in the photopit. And if I fuck it up the chances for another photopass drop close to 0...

Communication? I had enough on Saturday for the whole week I guess...wouldn´t need a single spoken word anymore LOL
I completely understand. True artists are never entirely satisfied with their own work. Don't dispair, it's normal. Unless I'm stepping on some legal copyright ownership thingie here, can we see exactly how "bad" those Sonata pics are?

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan

Erhhhm, sorry, but it is my JOB to take good photos, otherwise I´d not be allowed to attend and be in the photopit. And if I fuck it up the chances for another photopass drop close to 0...

Communication? I had enough on Saturday for the whole week I guess...wouldn´t need a single spoken word anymore LOL
well, despite not being paid for it...maybe one day I can earn lil money with it...let´s see...

check the gallery on my myspace (its on the second page of my gallery):
OK, so I had a look at the photos . . . . they do look bad, but I can't blame you for that. When you're in the crowd, and the band is playing and moving around, and you try to get a closeup shot, and there are lights all around and behind, what do you expect? It's not going to look like studio promo shots.

Maybe next time you should try a wide angle approach to your photos and the lights don't mess you so bad. And that way you also catch some more of the atmosphere, as opposed to closeups that can't fully relay the entire feel of the show. It's like a painting of Mona Lisa's left nostril . . . . as excellent as the outcome can be, it can't relay the full portrait of Mona Lisa.

And that's just my uneducated opinion right there, not even worth the proverbial two cents ;)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
Hmm, guys, I'm gonna leave the forum for a few days, vacation time! So, even though it's a bit early, I want to wish you all a merry Christmas, hope you all spend some kickass time with your dear ones, have some good rest during these days off and hopefully winter is not too harsh where you are. :)
I guess you lived well without me during the past weeks...I will stay rather absent at least till the end of the year, but will always have a look what´s going on...
many things on my mind and stuff going on, I need rest but I don´t get it anways -.-´
Sooo, I'm back sooner than I had expected. Weather got shitty as hell, I got bored (even more than usual) so I came back home, at least I've got interwebz here.
Also, it got COLD. Like, about -15 degrees in the night, that's probably nothing for you Dutch and German people, but it's pretty rare here so no one gets out of the house. :lol:

Also, I'm very proud of my Christmas-themed avatar. :lol:
We got like 24" (about 60cm) of snow here. Kids are having fun, they've never seen so much snow. It's not that cold, about -5C or so, but constantly under freezing temps so the snow sticks around. The day before the snow, I made steak on the grill . . . it was like 10C. I left it open and now it's full of snow. Grilled snow anyone?

We just made the Christmas tree. I hope it will not fall again . . . . . like last year . . . I am not sure I posted a photo, but imagine a Christmas tree laying on a couch . . . yep, just like that.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
here the snow is fading away :( I love the days with -15°C and loads of snowing...I felt so home LOOOOL XD
and now, perfectly for christmas eve, the snow will be gone *arghs*

me and my dad still have to decorate the christmas tree...wonder if I will fall into the tree once again LOL ;))
We got like 24" (about 60cm) of snow here.
Oh, nice! We don't have that much snow, but the weather keeps messing with us. We first got some pretty epic amounts of snow, after that it got pretty warm and we got tons of rain that froze in the night and the roads became even more slippery than before. Now we're waiting for some more snow for Christmas, 'cause all that's left is some sort of ice mixed with mud, sand and salt. :lol:
Well last weekend it was about -15 here too, and during the day it still was about -10! Major traffic chaos here! But i liked it ;) The snow is now slowly fading away, but it's still freezing!