The Random Thread.

lol!!! Well....gig was good. My hearing is fucked. And I've been drunk 2 nights in a row and met some awesome new people :)

Witnessed a fight between some lesbians on the bus last night on my way home too. I 'lol'd a lot.

Oh and DELL, if you read this I am going to hunt you down and kill your children. 5 working days. FIVE WORKING FUCKING DAYS!?!?! LIIIIIES!!!

xx Kirsty
My disc still isn't here, I hate my brothers laptop and he's going to take it away soon. I only get to use it at like 9.30am in the mornings :(

I didn't get to sleep til like 6am because I was playing Pokemon!!! :O

It's FRIDAY. THE 13th!!! I have an awesome gig to go to tonight with Glasgows two best bands, Syth and Concept of Time. It doesn't matter that my I have an ex in each of those bands. They still know how to fucking rip up a stage!!! Can't wait! ^_^

Can't believe it's like 10.30am though...need food.

xx Kirsty

hehehe^^ I too was a pokemon geek in my early days xD think I have all the trading cards somewhere here around in a box or sumtin xD
My disc still isn't here, I hate my brothers laptop and he's going to take it away soon. I only get to use it at like 9.30am in the mornings :(

I didn't get to sleep til like 6am because I was playing Pokemon!!! :O

It's FRIDAY. THE 13th!!! I have an awesome gig to go to tonight with Glasgows two best bands, Syth and Concept of Time. It doesn't matter that my I have an ex in each of those bands. They still know how to fucking rip up a stage!!! Can't wait! ^_^

Can't believe it's like 10.30am though...need food.

xx Kirsty

hehehe^^ I too was a pokemon geek in my early days xD think I have all the trading cards somewhere here around in a box or sumtin xD
Yeah, I have like....1,000 cards. Lots of doubles and stuff. I keep telling myself they will become collectors items one day! I just like to keep everything!!!

xx Kirsty

same here, but still... we are stupid, cuz' if there would be a collector value in them we wouldn't sell them anyway xD we're just waiting for it to become mooore value and never sell them xD
so i have an observation i'd like to post

thus far this is probably the "nicest" forum on UM that i've posted in

just about every other forum is filled with elitists and those who because their taste differs from others have to 'pwn' them.

so with that said, keep it up, all 5 full time posters you! ;)
Söy;6347575 said:
so i have an observation i'd like to post

thus far this is probably the "nicest" forum on UM that i've posted in

just about every other forum is filled with elitists and those who because their taste differs from others have to 'pwn' them.

so with that said, keep it up, all 5 full time posters you! ;)

Awww, I take that as a compliment. I love this forum. It is BY FAR one of my favourites on the internet. Fuck the elitests. If anyone has Soulseek and has been in the Metal Mayhem room....well....I need say no more!!!

xx Kirsty
Ok so I was awaken by a terrible, but seriously terrible and excruciating leg cramp this morning... 3 hours after I'm up but can barely walk just cos it hurts so much. You guys have any tricks to make the pain go away?

By the time I get an answer, I think the pain will have naturally gone away haha
Ok so I was awaken by a terrible, but seriously terrible and excruciating leg cramp this morning... 3 hours after I'm up but can barely walk just cos it hurts so much. You guys have any tricks to make the pain go away?

By the time I get an answer, I think the pain will have naturally gone away haha

well, another wise dialogue from mr Eddie xD; Cut if off and you won't have pain in it, maybe somewhere else;) but that's another story ^^
Your wise ratings are going down in my book my friend... Plus it's my left leg, I use my left foot to switch pedals so if I cut it off, I'll have to get used to the right and I don't want that...

So psh you, knulle. I'm sticking to alcohol lol
Well I'm supposed to be packing and cleaning my house cos I'm going back home for some holidays... But instead I'm drinking lots of beer and singing along to French power metal songs (Manigance)
I have the WORST hangover ever. I just feel SHITE.

Firewind have cancelled Cheltenham which totally makes me just want to die even more *sigh*.

So I only get to see them for 40 fucking minutes!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!

xx Kirsty
Oi I got the best hangover cure, it has saved, saves and will save my life. It's sex in a... It's liquid sex.

Blend: 6 strawberries, one banana, one glass of milk and one glass of orange juice. Pop one advil (or whatever you use in Scotland for headaches) and in one hour, hangover gone and your body feels rejuvenated!

And on a side note, I'm back home in my beloved 3rd world country for holidays so I might be posting less due to the connection being total suckage...
Hey, I was without a computer for 2 and a half weeks just gone (got my internets back today!!!) and you wouldn't even be able to tell from my usual posting on this forum!!! I love my friends with internet <3

xx Kirsty
I'm rejuvenating this thread! It's a nice, free and funny thread.. Plus you witness kirsty having an e-gasm with Gus G. before she even knew his real name!!!!!!!!! (post #3) Historical, epic moments!!!

ok i admit that i was mostly a lurker at that time...