chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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^ Haha that's one of my dreams, seen Dimmu hehe :p , they'll never come to CR though, too freaking expensive :Smug: .

My true dream is too see DT and The Gathering playing a gig together, and some songs with some combination of the bands *siiiigh* :kickass: :) .

It's be über awesome to see Anneke and Mikael singing, René, Niklas and Martin H. on guitars (too many guitars but I don't care hehe :p ), Martin B. on keyboards and Frank on the drums (I'd put Anders but there would be too many DT members he).

Oh and then Mr.Krystoffer Rygg (however ye write that :rolleyes: ) comes from out of nowhere and sings with Anneke and Mikael.

... yup, only in my very wet dreams :lol: :waah: .


Btw, I honestly think that Rhavin is a jerk for closing down my "Type 2 diabetes: Support Mikey thread \m/ ."

I have now come to the conclusion that he has some sort of paranoia in which he feels he has the "duty" to defend the integrity of band members, at the cost of the freedom of expression of fans/phorum members.

I understand your job as a mod and I know it's tough, but don't push it. What you did is just simply too much; it was a thread in which I showed my appreciation and concern for a band member, for a person.

You shall let go of that mentallity of yours and try to understand what I meant.

I don't think you even bothered to read the posts of the thread, because I said many times, just to prevent the closing of the thread, that I was not crossing the line in which you start to harass band members.

I made a thread to show my concern for Mikey.

I made it because I also have diabetes and I felt identified with him.

I made it so that fans who post here could know what to do in case he'd get a hipo-glicemia in the middle of a gig.

But, once again, you care more about your job as a mod than what fellow phorum mebers have to say and about Mikey.

- Daniel.
because I said that I was not crossing the line in which you start to harass band members.
I'm sorry, but that's what people who stalk and harass other people say too. I'm not saying you're a stalker or that you harassed the band members, but saying and thinking that it's not what you're doing, doesn't equal not doing it. How can you know if you crossed that line? That is only for the people immediately concerned to know (ie Micke).

As for the rest of your rant: Did you stop for a minute to think that maybe a band member expressed their dissatisfaction about the thread to rahvin and that's why he closed it? I'm in no position to know if such a thing happened, or if any member was unhappy about that thread, but i do consider it a possibility that it could make the band feel weird. Which is also why i never posted in it.

edit: btw, if Michael needed our support like this, i'm sure he could open his own thread in this board about it.
edit: btw, if Michael needed our support like this, i'm sure he could open his own thread in this board about it.[/QUOTE]

God, you sound just like Rhavin.

I do not believe I'm harrasing, IMO harrasing will be to ask the band personal questions about their daily life. I do not believe this was atoo personal, considering that the news was posted in DT's official page.

If a band member were dis-satisfied I would be shocked but I would totally understand; and if that were the case it would have been mentioned by Rhavin, which was not the case.

Then again, I created the thread, because I was the only one who didn't care what people like you or Rhavin have to say, I wanted to show my concern towards Mikey and I am not afraid of saying it in public :) .

If you didn't feel like posting in the thread, well, do as you want, I don't govern your life.

Nevertheless, it was not necessary to close the thread just because of a difference in perspective.
LBRH: Here's a quote from Michael himself on the official DT site.

I just want to say to those who are worried about me: don't be - ok

I'm pretty sure he wanted to clear this up and prevent your kind of people from overreacting. If he wanted to discuss it on the forum, he would've posted here himself. If you want to show your support, do it privately, like the rest of us do. Rahvin did the right thing (I would have closed the thread much earlier, though) - there's no need to blow these kinds of things out of proportion.

...I do not believe I'm harrasing...

And as Siren pointed out, what you think about this isn't really relevant. It would have been the same if I would have been the OP of the thread - it would be up to others to decide what's acceptable and what's not. I don't say that your thread was harassment, but the impression I got from the message at was that Niklasson wanted to inform us, the fans, but nothing more. He's a grown-up man who can take care of himself, and I doubt that he likes it when someone on an internet forum starts a thread, that focuses on an illness that he can cope with himself, when that really isn't anyone else's concern (except for friends and family).
LBRH: I've come to your defense on a number of other issues, but on this one I have to agree with Rahv. I understand that your intent was to inform and support, but given the quote from dt's site, it seems that he basically wanted to dispel any fears about his health. This isn't a situation like that which happened to Death - in this case, it's a manageable condition that he is going through with his family and immediate friends. I am happy he thought to let us know, and assure us that he would be ok, and that's probably where the discussion should end. I think the nature of the people here, and their fans in general, is that the whole band knows that we'll be thinking of them and have support for them in times of troubles, and we probably don't need whole threads on each incident. I wouldn't want to see a post on the site if one of the guys missed a credit card payment, and then a multi-page thread popped up full of sympathy and "I've been there, too..." posts.

And I really do respect your idea to inform the forum members on how to help him out if something untoward happened during a show. Now, that's very important information. But at the same time, I highly, highly doubt that he hasn't already sat down with the rest of the band and told them what to do in such a situation. The last thing you want is someone running off half-informed to help him, when there are people around who know exactly what to do.

@LBRH: shut your hole, write shit down, read it yourself first and never post - most sane things in your messages are smileys anyway.
I wouldn't say that's entirely true, Plin. He has a point, but in this case, I'd say that Rahvin has the stronger case. It's not as though his posts were Lovecraftian in nature. As bad as the grammar and spelling can be (and, I might be the only one here who noticed this, but more heated you get, Dan, the more accurate the English in your posts becomes.), I can still fully understand him.

The abundance of smilies, though... not something I'll agree on. I limit myself to a maximum of two per post. And then, it's usually only ':p', ':heh:', or ':D'.

Ah well I guess there's no point trying to fight this :rolleyes: , but I thank Kov for at least giving me some credit and putting it in nicer words.

I now understand clearly what everybody meant (as I did before), but the 1st posts were rather rude, that's why I fought back.

Anyway, on to another sujects :Smug: .

PS: I'll still try to put a lof smileys. :) .
@danny: while i do not want to get into a fight with you, given the fact that you always treat me nicely and i don't like rudeness, i suggest you toughen up and try to put less stock in the tone people use to address you. it's not very smart to go through life getting offended at everyone who doesn't say please, thank you, and have a nice day - you'll spend your existence begrudging everyone for one reason or another.

this said, if the mod closed that thread there must have been a reason, and i think that whatever it is it has to be respectable. rahvin is not stupid and he is not a jerk.

I just missed my bus. How splendid is that? Now I'm going to be late for work. Quite unfortunate, as this will be the first time I've ever been more than 5 minutes late.
^ I can't believe it's still snowing, damn the climate has certainly gone mad :goggly: . It's even raining here, something that rarely happens in April :) , which is good since I don't have to water the plants hehe :kickass: .

@Hyena: I understand your need to defend him, and I applaud it, but my general concept of him won't change, much like the one everyone over here has of me.
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