chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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@hyena: You're such a masochist. I cringe at the mere thought. Then again, our Internet schedule is very different, although we probably used to end up spending as much time on line.

As for Judgement, I've heard it and once again I'm underwhelmed. There's a couple of very good songs and a lot of ok material, but it's far, far from influential or as meaningful as their earlier work. The magic is gone, plain and simple. Also, the lyrics are becoming a little too preachy. It is one thing to put an ideal perspective on display, but quite another to sound as if you want to teach the listener how to. I'm not sure how to what, exactly, but the "how to" part is screamed loud enough to be a little appalling.
Yea I quite agree. I havent listened to their newer material, I think I missed the two albums before or so. It seems like they wanted to change their style, try something new, but they changed all the wrong things :(
Yea I quite agree. I havent listened to their newer material, I think I missed the two albums before or so.

The two albums before this one are Futureperfect and Matter and Form. The former is brilliant and a creative reinvention after Empires, so you should get it if you haven't heard it. The latter is not better than Judgement, in the same vein, and possibly even emptier of creative ideas.
@hyena: what were you thinking? i got my hair standing up in terror by just thinking about it.
btw, i think there is an inherent problem with your (a). i believe that it is exactly because we have no life, that we spend so much time on the internet.

@rahvin: dunno about being a masochist - i certainly do feel pain, but i am not enjoying it in the least :p if i try to be rational about it, it was a good choice. for example, i have been out of town on business trips or for other reasons for 30 of the past 60 days, and even if i always ended up having free online access wherever i went, i was still paying my 85 monthly euros to my provider. in the summer, i will be gone most of the time, and i will mostly be staying in university environments with all the internet i might ever want - not to mention that anyway i (sort of) have a connection at the office for day-to-day tasks. so the real trouble comes at night and during the few weekends that i will spend at home. which brings me straight to:

@siren: well, yes and no. i know that when i have the comfortable option of being online i don't even try to socialize more. i just think 'i will go home and go on the internet'. since i really want to try and get a partner this summer, and online dating did not lead me anywhere so far, i suppose i will have to go out. so the less excuses i have for staying in, the better. also, even if i stay home, i will probably end up doing something slightly more constructive, like reading books. i just wish that i don't get an unexpected assignment with the publishing house i occasionally work for, because that's a case in which i would absolutely need the internet at weekends.

anyway, it still hurts to be composing this message offline. :rolleyes:
^ *auch*

Dunno how you'll manage Claudia :Smug: . And yes, I believe that most posters here (me included) are a bunch of internet addict freaks :zombie: .

I still socialise and go out a lot, but I think it has considerably reduced since the time in which I started having a computer in my room with unlimited internet access :heh: :) :rock: .

Telecommunications here are a bit sucky, but the internet stuff is really good, my dad pays ca. E12 per month for a 256k/b connection, which is obviously not enough, but it's still quite cheap and unlimited :) .
@rahvin: dunno about being a masochist - i certainly do feel pain, but i am not enjoying it in the least :p if i try to be rational about it, it was a good choice. for example, i have been out of town on business trips or for other reasons for 30 of the past 60 days, and even if i always ended up having free online access wherever i went, i was still paying my 85 monthly euros to my provider. in the summer, i will be gone most of the time, and i will mostly be staying in university environments with all the internet i might ever want - not to mention that anyway i (sort of) have a connection at the office for day-to-day tasks. so the real trouble comes at night and during the few weekends that i will spend at home. which brings me straight to

I have no doubt your economical reasons are quite sound, aside from the "Internet addiction" factor, which is a whole other kettle of fish if you ask me. I'm paying a little less than 85 euros every two months (phone calls not included), and then of course there's the limitless access at work, that also takes care of all my - ahem - "large files incoming" needs. :rolleyes: So, as I was saying, our consumptions differ. For instance, I never ever use the phone at home, so I couldn't care less about all-included packages. And I gladly pay the Internet bill even though I might be out of the house every other week-end, because of the comfort factor of being able to use the connection whenever I'm home. I don't even stay on line until late at night, so I might end up switching to some other plan - provided it doesn't have a time limit - if something new comes up, even though I never liked Fastweb and the rest of the current fiber-optic offers.
I have no doubt your economical reasons are quite sound, aside from the "Internet addiction" factor, which is a whole other kettle of fish if you ask me.

i'm not really thinking in terms of addiction, rather in terms of the internet being a good excuse to pospone things that by all means are more important. at least i'm pretty convinced that's what happens in my specific case.
@hyena: I guess it's two sides of the same coin. When life is knocking on my door, i don't spend my time hugging my screen. On the other hand it's true that if i didn't have the internet, i'd probably be forced to go out more and learn useful stuff when i'm home. But then, it's amazing how many excuses one can find for procrastinating. :p
Good luck with finding a partner, i do believe socialising more is the right thing to do, you should go for it.

That said, i currently have a 2Mb line for 25 Euros per month, phones excluded.
VNV Nation = I do not like it (sorry guys and gals, please don't beat me up and around)

Of internet and social life - I will present here a real-life scenario:

I went on a short trip to Mexico City, where some of my relatives live, more specifically: One of the people in my family with whom I get along more, a cousin who is about my age.

So I went out to several touristic locations, so far so good.

Then, on friday night I went out with her (my cousin) and her friends; They are all nice people, but there was no "click", no real connection, so I wasn't very interested in getting to know them, and all in all, to me, it was a rather boring night even though everyone else seemed to have lots of fun.
On saturday I met up with someone I had met online some months ago, and it was just great! I had actual fun and it was interesting, even more so than knowing that person online.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's easier to find people that you get along with online, and therefore the internet is a good thing for society - pretty simple thinking, I know.
^ Yeah, what really helps is that you get involved in groups you choose to be involved in, e.g. this DT phorum :kickass: . Because of that, you know that you'll have at least one thing in common with each person, making it easier to socialize :) :rock: .

Y por que diablos querrías ir a Mexico City? :Smug: You can't even breathe there :zombie: .
Following the spanglish trend:

Well yo wanted to ir a Mexico City por razones de la family, actually it es quite vacio in estos days, and the pollution problema is not realmente that bad, at least no advertí any diferencia en comparacion to the city en which I live, though tal vez mi ciudad could be just as contaminada as the capital... ese.

*shoots himself for typing like that*
Hey, spanglish is cool, i can at least understand the thing instead of guessing what it means. :D

@afk902z: As Danny said, i believe it's that on the internet it's easier to choose from a vast number of people those with whom you have something in common. And you end up meeting with those you get along better in the first place, anyway. The other important thing imo is that on the internet you're forced to focus on the inner traits and on actual conversation (unless you're a a/s/l type of brainless chatter of course), while in real life you usually focus on what you see and it's not easy to go beyond that, especially in clubs with loud music and such.
Just for the record, some of the people i consider my best friends i have met online. Of course there's no telling where you'll meet the people who will become your close friends, it can be anywhere, but they won't be many.
Same with finding a partner, in which case it becomes more a matter of luck to stumble on the right one.
Cool? Nooøø~ö

And Siren, I agree with what you say.

On a sidenote, I wonder if there could be any bar/pub/club I'd feel really comfortable at, right now all the places for average people are boring to me, it's just that I don't like the music and the vibe. And also there are all those dark/gothic/whatever bars, those also seem uncomfortable because people there are somewhat elitists, and I don't completely appeal gothic or black or death metal fashion, so I don't fit in there either.

Lately, the best parties in my opinion are the private ones - I guess I'm not very social or something.
Further reinforcing the idea that I am the Mat Cauthon of this board, someone found my iPod (been missing since Monday of last week) and actually was good enough to give it back, one day after my b-day. With all of the horror stories I've been hearing (about people's iPods getting lost forever, and people bragging about iPods they just found on the street), I'm fucking elated. Shit's crashing down all around me at work, and all I can think of is that I'll be able to listen to DT again to and from work starting tomorrow morning.

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