chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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I'm waiting for a gentle and generous soul to donate* me the new VNV. I'm broke. :p

*the excuses "birthday gift" and "nameday gift" can also be used. thank you. :p
now idly listening to a sampler (1min per song) while i wait for the real thing. sounds ok but i'm not besides myself with excitement.
well, judgement actually is interesting. do love the 'just you and me against the world' line.
I listened to the first few songs and what struck me most is that the voice doesnt stick out the way it used to. I always saw the voice as some kind of trademark. It really sounds like something important is gone now..
Other than that, I dont really have an opinion yet. I may post more profound views on that later
Prostitution flows in women's blood.

They will sell out for anything.
*slaps plintus*

i'm not selling out. for anything.

*restrains disembowling comment thanks to the Easter spirit*

@Danny: VNV Nation is an electronic band, not the 'happy happy joy joy' kind of electronic music, neither the 'i repeat one loop and 5 words for 10 minutes' kind. It's very interesting, and as you see many DT fans enjoy it, so maybe you should give it a try too. Link of the band is here:
If i'm not mistaken, you can listen to some samplers in the "products" section.

(btw, i just had the most silly thought that EBM could stand for "electronic black metal" :lol: )
Played a gig tonight. Was really cool. We were on with a load of grindbands... poster was amusing:


We're the band called snow if ye didney know. Anyway, the point is we were playing with noisey stuff. Because we're more thoughtful and arty farty, thought it was gonna go really badly but all the angry grind bastards showed us a reasonable amount of respect and it went really well. Got some great photos and videos which I'll share when they're around... one picture really stood out though:


edited a bit, but kickass none the less. Anyway. Knackered truly now. off to bed.
@Danny: VNV Nation is an electronic band, not the 'happy happy joy joy' kind of electronic music, neither the 'i repeat one loop and 5 words for 10 minutes' kind. It's very interesting, and as you see many DT fans enjoy it, so maybe you should give it a try too. Link of the band is here:
If i'm not mistaken, you can listen to some samplers in the "products" section.

(btw, i just had the most silly thought that EBM could stand for "electronic black metal" :lol: )

Hahaha :lol: Electronic Black Metal :lol: .

So there are EBM fans over here? :Smug: Why didn't ye tell me so, I like EBM/darkwave a lot :) :rock: .

Don't really know much about it (EBM), but I do listen to an EBM radio, so I guess that counts :p .
@Danny: Yep, i think it counts. :p I'm glad you like it. :)
Btw, i think VNV Nation could be labelled as futurepop as well, but i'm not sure.
^ Just listened to VNV :p . I listened to a song that is about fucking, getting laid, screwing and related stuff. I loved it :heh: :kickass: . It was censored though :erk: . Are all their songs like that?

Haha future pop :p .

PS: Btw, congrats KC! : ) :worship:
nf: worried. last night i was jointly considering the following two problems:

(a) i spend too much time on the internet, resulting in no life.
(b) my internet contract is too costly at 85 euros/month (including unlimited phone calls).

since i am an economist, hence a rational decider, i changed my contract. and now i am stuck with something that costs 28 euros/month, which is good. what is not good is that, while i still have unlimited phone calls in rome and to the district where my mother lives, i have a total of 300 internet minutes per month included in the fee, and otherwise it's 1.50 per hour. it looks like quitting smoking and drinking together - simply terrifying. since the minutes are counted in 20-minute batches, i will have to forego the morning internet routine on weekdays, hopefully resulting in reduced lateness at work; i don't want to waste precious minutes on 5-min mailchecks. and this is just the tip of the iceberg. i keep on repeating to myself that it was a good decision, but at the moment it just looks like it will reduce me to a quivering wreck, sobbing 'where is teh internet?'
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