chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Still, overall it's a pretty noisy place. At least you can always find what you need somewhere at any time of day or night. Convenience has its price.

True. Sushi at 3 am = the best.

And Gramercy neighbourhood is quite nice - I'd love to live there when I move to NYC, it's even got a park! Shame you couldn't walk on grass. And is quiet - Times Square is a rather poor choice to have some rest at night. Tourists :heh:

Philly is too slow for me :)
Yeah, that neighborhood is pretty damn nice. It's been a while since I was over there.

Aye, it's my only complaint with Boston. Any town where the subway stops running at a specific time of night is too slow for me. And better than sushi at 3am is fresh pizza at 5 am. :heh:

And I used to live right across from Tompkins Square Park, which was pretty damn nice. Made things a little quieter at night, except, as I said, for the drunks. Of which there were quite a few. And they had their sleep schedules right, too. wake up at 9-10 am, all the stores open by noon, and stuff doesn't close till 2 in the morning. Not bad at all.

There are 3 regular bars at the end of my block, plus a Rum Bar + Monkey Bar (gay bar?) right next door, but it's really nice and safe... and quiet, except holidays, may be.

A few downsides about Philly are criminal situation (that's a major) and that places close too early (FYE closes at 10 pm, when Tower was open till midnight). And there's something with girls here, they look like skanky, or I dunno. Having Urban Outfitters in town certainly DOESN'T help.
I lived in the middle of the East Village, so you basically saw all of the metal/punk/emo/hippies all around, blended in with your average college student. As for bars, there was easily five to ten within a one block radius of my building (and I only ever walked west of it, so who knows on the east side).

There was this really kick-ass diner right across the way, too. Not too expensive, and by the time I moved out, they knew my by sight and would make sure I got my food first, or if I was taking it out, that it didn't sit around for too long.

The only crime was usually petty vandalism or the like, and usually only of the public park across the street. Not usually a hell of a lot of mischief. Although I still love the guy (or gal) who tampered with our pedestrian light on the corner. They busted up the two middle fingers and last knuckle of the thumb in the "stop" hand, so that you'd either have the option to "walk", or "rock out".

Yeah, they started springing up all over the place after that one was done. Then about a year ago the city started fixing them. I'm not sure if mine was the first, but it was a damn well done one.

NF: Damn neck hurts again. Damn you neck pinch.

For some reason, my conference was in a canadian newspaper here
The article was written before the actual shindig, and I'm expecting some reports to pop up here and there in the next few days, but I thought it would be limited to the national media.
@afz: thank you. if you want numbers, i'll gladly provide.
@ds: oh, it was a smashing success and all. the only point i have qualms with is that it tired me within an inch of my life, quite literally, and now i am mildly sick, my heart rate is accelerated, i have trouble sleeping, and so on. of course the fact that i didn't find time for sports in the past month, drank too much and smoked more didn't help, but hey, temperance is not me. :p
Congratulations, Claudia! I hope the price for this wont be too high though.

NF: Quite shitty. One of my colleagues/co-owners of the company simply went nuts, and although he is trying to present it as a solely business-related thing, its personal as it can only be. But his "solution" has been a completely stupid behaviour in the last 3 weeks, and now hes taken 2 weeks off, sent us an email with his idea of working order, which is absolutely unacceptable. Wants to leave the company etc. I cant help thinking about this all the time, and its getting on my nerves.
[/offtopic of Hyena's post. sry]

Plin: But, but, but, New York has trolling sports teams... You know that all the crime in Philly is spill-off from Camden anyway, damn gang violence. Also, the stores are open later near Christmas :rolleyes: , but FYE sucks in general, and having thier store close early is only part of it - thier prices are tremendously inflated (I almost shelled out 16$ for a Rotting Christ cd at one point, but didn't). The girls are skanks.

I have to defend Philly - its the only city I know :p

Also, about the NJ Turnpike (I know I'm late on this one), its nothing. I drive it all the time, the NJ Parkway is about 5 million times worse, and sees heavier traffic volume. If there is an accident, you're fucked for quite a long time due to the backup.
I've never seen as much reckless driving on Garden State Parkway in 5 years as I saw on NJTpke near Newark NJ in 5 minutes =) Yeah, you get backed up on GSPkwy in rubebr neck accidents, but they don't happen too often anyway.

Whatever teh case - I'm getting out of Philly soon enough. Hope I won't be shot in the back.
:rolleyes: I know it doesn't have much to do with anything, but...

This was the breakfast I cooked myself today.

Cinnamon Pancakes, slightly sugared eggs, buttered toast and a glass of Ginger Ale. : D
Sugared eggs!? Sorry, but that sounds vile! :yuk: Otherwise it looks nice. And you made me think of making scones.

[zombie voice]Scones...Sconeees...Must...have...sconeees...[/zombie voice]

NP: Brujeria - Pititis, te invoco
Sugared eggs!? Sorry, but that sounds vile! :yuk: Otherwise it looks nice. And you made me think of making scones.

[zombie voice]Scones...Sconeees...Must...have...sconeees...[/zombie voice]

NP: Brujeria - Pititis, te invoco

It's not really sugared, it's like... erm. : / I don't know, I cooked the pancakes first and then the eggs and I didn't bother to clean out the pan, because its non stick and there was no reason to, but it still had some cinnamon and sugar in there. Tasted fine to me :p Actually, I couldn't even tell.

Scones are good. :p Actually now that you mention it... I think I might make some of those later today. :D
:rolleyes: I know it doesn't have much to do with anything, but...

This was the breakfast I cooked myself today.

Cinnamon Pancakes, slightly sugared eggs, buttered toast and a glass of Ginger Ale. : D

Yay, I'll have a fellow phorum meber with Diabetes too! :) I'm so happy, I was starting to feel alone here :) :rolleyes: .

@Hyena: Glad everything went out fine! Congrats! :kickass: Now no more Nastro Azzurro for you for a week. :heh: .

@Kov: Hmmm Eaaaatiiing Threeeeaaaadddd.... sounds great, lets revive it :) .
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